javascript - 日期差异大于预期

标签 javascript datetime

我正在学习在 Javascript 中使用 Date 对象。尝试计算现在与某个设定日期之间的差异,但它返回的值比预期的值大得多。代码笔是 here ,我似乎无法弄清楚我做错了什么......帮助?

var setdate = new Date(2014, 4, 27, 14,30); //27th of April this year at 14:30
var now = new Date(); //Now, whenever this code runs
var diff = Math.round((setdate.getTime() - now.getTime())/1000); //Difference in seconds

function NiceTimer(delta) { //Decompose the difference in seconds into date units.

  this.days = Math.floor(delta/ 86400);
  delta -= this.days*86400; //Subtract the value once it has been "extracted".

  this.hours = Math.floor(delta/ 3600);
  delta -= this.hours*3600;

  this.minutes = Math.floor(delta/ 60);
  delta -= this.minutes*60;

  this.seconds = delta;

  this.printString = function() {
    return "The event starts in "+this.days+" days, "+this.hours+" hours, "+this.minutes+" minutes and "+this.seconds+" seconds"; //Output a readable countdown string

var timer = new NiceTimer(diff);

var el = document.getElementById("timer");
el.innerHTML = timer.printString();


var setdate = new Date(2014, 4, 27, 14,30); //27th of April this year at 14:30


var setdate = new Date(2014, 3, 27, 14,30);

Date @ MDN :

month Integer value representing the month, beginning with 0 for January to 11 for December.

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