php - PHP中的时间选择器

标签 php javascript

请帮我解决有关 php 时间的问题。我想为一个在不同时间提供服务的网站进行时间选择。我想让它像一个日期选择器日历。我还没有找到任何东西。我可以在下拉框中制作,但显示 60 分钟的下拉菜单看起来相当难看。请帮我解决这个问题。


好吧,我不建议你从头开始制作。相反,您可以免费使用可用的 jquery 插件:)。我推荐的其中一些是

1) 完整日历

FullCalendar is a famous jQuery calendar plugin which offers features like drag-and-drop, integration with Google Calendar and able to fetch events through JSON. Designers can easily customize the look and feel of the calendar, while developers can utilize the exposed hooks for user-triggered events.


2) jQuery 交互式日期范围选择器

This powerful date range picker is a modified version of jQuery UI’s Datepicker component. It has a quicker date selection from a list of preset dates/ranges and a smooth transitions. The latest version uses the jQuery UI 1.7 and jQuery UI CSS Framework. With the power of jQuery UI, user can now switch the calendar theme easily.

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