mongodb - mongodb - map 减少和查找

标签 mongodb sorting join mapreduce

是否可以在同一个查询管道中高效地同时执行 map reduce 和 lookup?


  • 项目:{ _id, group_id, createdAt }
  • 购买:{ _id, item_id }

我想根据每组最近 x 件商品的购买次数获得前 n 件商品组。


我可以获得每组最近的 x 项:

let x = 3;
let map = function () {
  emit(this.group_id, { items: [this] });
let reduce = function (key, values) {
  return { items: getLastXItems(x, => v.items[0])) };
let scope = { x };

db.items.mapReduce(map, reduce, { out: { inline: 1 }, scope }, function(err, res) {
  if (err) {
  } else {
    // res is an array of { group_id, items } where items is the last x items of the group

但我缺少购买计数,所以我不能用它来对组进行排序,并输出前 n 个组(顺便说一句,我什至不确定我能做到这一点)

我在 Web 服务器上使用它,并根据用户上下文运行具有范围变量的查询,因此我不想将结果输出到另一个集合并且必须内联执行所有操作。

=== edit 1 === 添加数据示例:


// items
{ _id: '1, group_id: 'a', createdAt: 0 }
{ _id: '2, group_id: 'a', createdAt: 2 }
{ _id: '3, group_id: 'a', createdAt: 4 }
{ _id: '4, group_id: 'b', createdAt: 1 }
{ _id: '5, group_id: 'b', createdAt: 3 }
{ _id: '6, group_id: 'b', createdAt: 5 }
{ _id: '7, group_id: 'b', createdAt: 7 }
{ _id: '8, group_id: 'c', createdAt: 5 }
{ _id: '9, group_id: 'd', createdAt: 5 }

// purchases
{ _id: '1', item_id: '1' }
{ _id: '2', item_id: '1' }
{ _id: '3', item_id: '3' }
{ _id: '4', item_id: '5' }
{ _id: '5', item_id: '5' }
{ _id: '6', item_id: '6' }
{ _id: '7', item_id: '7' }
{ _id: '8', item_id: '7' }
{ _id: '9', item_id: '7' }
{ _id: '10', item_id: '3' }
{ _id: '11', item_id: '9' }

n = 3x = 2 的示例结果将是:

  group_id: 'a', numberOfPurchasesOnLastXItems: 4,
  group_id: 'b', numberOfPurchasesOnLastXItems: 3,
  group_id: 'c', numberOfPurchasesOnLastXItems: 1,




  • 聚合管道能否在查找和排序时从索引中获益?
  • 能不能简化一下只用来统计匹配项的lookup + projection


x = 2;
n = 3;

    $lookup: {
      from: 'purchases',
      localField: '_id',
      foreignField: 'item_id',
      as: 'purchases',
  after the join, the data is like {
    _id: <itemId>,
    group_id: <itemGroupId>,
    createdAt: <itemCreationDate>,
    purchases: <arrayOfPurchases>,

    $project: {
      group_id: 1,
      createdAt: 1,
      pruchasesCount: { $size: '$purchases' },
  after the projection, the data is like {
    _id: <itemId>,
    group_id: <itemGroupId>,
    createdAt: <itemCreationDate>,
    purchasesCount: <numberOfPurchases>,

    $sort: { createdAt: 1 }

    $group: {
      _id: '$group_id',
      items: {
        $push: '$purchasesCount',
  after the group, the data is like {
    _id: <groupId>,
    items: <array of number of purchases per item, sorted per item creation date>,

    $project: {
      numberOfPurchasesOnMostRecentItems: { $sum: { $slice: ['$purchasesCount', x] } },
  after the projection, the data is like {
    _id: <groupId>,
    numberOfPurchasesOnMostRecentItems: <number of purchases on the last x items>,

    $sort: { numberOfPurchasesOnMostRecentItems: 1 }

  { $limit : n }

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