javascript - 如何在我的 React 应用程序上提取 json 段落中的特定句子?

标签 javascript html json reactjs

我想在我的 React 应用程序上提取 Json 中段落中的特定句子。例如 -

groupinfo: this is the groups info
errorInfo: "imagine this is a long paragraph within a Json file, and i want to display/pull just a small part of it. so for instance i want just (long paragraph) and I want to know how to just pull that one part of the paragraph"


如果这可行的话,它会只提取 Json 中段落的一小部分,并将其显示为网站的链接。如果我需要做更多解释,请告诉我。



const myStr = 'Alligator';

const myNewStr = myStr.substring(0, 3);

console.log(myNewStr); // All

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