javascript - 组合函数 - jQuery

标签 javascript jquery jquery-ui

嘿大家好,我是 JS 新手,我正在尝试组合我构建的一些函数并添加一些新功能,但我进展得很艰难。

$(".1trigger").click(function () {
$(".1expand").toggle("blind", 100);

$(".2trigger").click(function () {
$(".2expand").toggle("blind", 100);

$(".3trigger").click(function () {
$(".3expand").toggle("blind", 100);

$(".4trigger").click(function () {
$(".4expand").toggle("blind", 100);

$(".1trigger").toggle(function() {
 $(this).animate({ backgroundColor: "#fff", color: '#FD0E35'}, 400);},function() {
    $(this).animate({ backgroundColor: "#FD0E35", color: '#fff' }, 400);  

$(".2trigger").toggle(function() {
    $(this).animate({ backgroundColor: "#fff", color: '#00c260'}, 400);
},function() {
    $(this).animate({ backgroundColor: "#00c260", color: '#fff' }, 400);

$(".3trigger").toggle(function() {
    $(this).animate({ backgroundColor: "#fff", color: '#1f293f'}, 400);
},function() {
    $(this).animate({ backgroundColor: "#1f293f", color: '#fff' }, 400);





        // Bind to all elements that have a class containing the word trigger
$("[class*=trigger]").click(function () {

       // Get the number from the trigger class
    var number = $(this).attr('class').match(/(\d+)trigger/)[1];

       // Concatenate that number into the expand class selector
    $("." + number + "expand").toggle("blind", 100);

       // Store your colors in an array
       // You may want to use classes to hold your colors instead
var colorsArray = ["#FD0E35",

        // Bind to all elements that have a class containing the word trigger
$("[class*=trigger]").toggle(function() {

       // Get the number from the trigger class
    var number = $(this).attr('class').match(/(\d+)trigger/)[1];

       // Based on the number, get the proper color from the colorsArray
    $(this).animate({ backgroundColor: "#fff", color: colorsArray[number - 1]}, 400);
function() {

       // Same as above
    var number = $(this).attr('class').match(/(\d+)trigger/)[1];
    $(this).animate({ backgroundColor: colorsArray[number - 1], color: '#fff' }, 400);  

如果您想重置 expand 元素,我将如何处理取决于您的 HTML 结构。

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