javascript - 异步 jQuery 模板

标签 javascript jquery ajax jquery-templates

我希望能够创建由一些异步查询获取的数据填充的 jQuery 模板,为此我需要引用我在模板中渲染的元素。我想出了一个使用生成的类名的解决方案,我在渲染模板后使用它来插入数据,但这是一个拼凑。有没有办法从模板代码中获取对渲染元素的引用?这是我想要运行的代码:

function renderData(prduct_id, element){
 getProductData(product_id, function(data){

<script id="product-info-loading-tmpl" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
//Here is where I'd need a reference to the rendered element
${renderData(product_id, this_element_when_rendered)}


这有帮助吗,所以在你的情况下,有 $item 的东西,也许 $item.parent 或其他东西...... 的某处复制

The $item and $data Template Variables The following variables are exposed to expression evaluation within templates:

$: The jQuery object. $item: The current template item - which allows access to $, $item.parent, etc. as well as any user-defined values or methods passed in with the options map. $data: The current data item (equivalent to $ Note: A template tag with content such as {{each}}...{{/each}} may expose additional variables to template evaluation within the content. In the case of {{each}}, for example, the additional template variables $value and $index are provided within the content of the {{each}} tag.

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