javascript - jQuery:拦截原始 DOM 就绪事件?

标签 javascript jquery

是否可以以某种方式拦截 DOM 就绪事件,以便通常在 $(document).ready(function() { ... } 内触发的任何内容都不会被执行?然后手动触发事件以便代码执行?

就我而言,我有大量现有代码已经依赖于 $(document).ready(function() { ... } 并且我希望我不会进行搜索/替换以使其全部依赖于自定义手动触发事件。



Any event handlers attached with .bind() or one of its shortcut methods are triggered when the corresponding event occurs. They can be fired manually, however, with the .trigger() method. A call to .trigger() executes the handlers in the same order they would be if the event were triggered naturally by the user:

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