java - 如何在解析 html 页面时从 html 页面中的 javascript 函数中提取变量的值

标签 java javascript html html-parsing jsoup

我必须解析一个 html 页面。我必须提取下面 html 中分配给 JavaScript 函数的 name 元素的值。我如何使用 JSoup 来做到这一点。

<input type="hidden" name="fields.DEPTID.value"/>


departmentId.onChange = function(value) {                                       
    var departmentId = dijit.byId("departmentId");

    if (value == null || value == "") {
        document.transferForm.elements["fields.DEPTID.value"].value = "";
        document.transferForm.elements["fields.DEPTID_DESC.value"].value = "";
    } else {
        document.transferForm.elements["fields.DEPTID.value"].value = value;
        document.transferForm.elements["fields.DEPTID_DESC.value"].value = departmentId.getDisplayedValue();

        var locationID =, "loctID");
        var locationDesc =, "loct");

        locationComboBox = dijit.byId("locationId");

        if (locationComboBox != null) {
            if (locationID != "") {
                setLocationComboBox(locationID, locationDesc);
            } else {
                setLocationComboBox("AMFL", "AMFL - AMY FLORIDA");



//Connect to the url, and get its source html
Document doc = Jsoup.connect("url").get();

//Get ALL the elements in the page that meet the query
//you passed as parameter. 
//I'm querying for all the script tags that have the
//name attribute inside it
Elements elems ="script[name]");

//That Elements variable is a collection of
//Element. So now, you'll loop through it, and
//get all the stuff you're looking for
for (Element elem : elems) {
    String name = elem.attr("name");

    //Now you have the name attribute
    //Use it to whatever you need.

现在,如果您需要 Jsoup 查询方面的帮助来获取您可能需要的任何其他元素,请参阅 API 文档来帮助:Jsoup selector API

希望有帮助 =)

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