javascript - ExtJS 4.1 或通用 Javascript HTTP_Authorization 函数

标签 javascript http-headers extjs4 http-authentication

使用curl --basic --user someuser:somepass http://someurl/发出请求时,它会附加一个如下 header :Authorization: Basic Y2FsaWRvZzpmMDBmM2IwMg==。这是当然的

Basic access authentication is a method for a web browser or other client program to provide a user name and password when making a request. Before transmission, the user name is appended with a colon and concatenated with the password. The resulting string is encoded with the Base64 algorithm and transmitted in the HTTP header and decoded by the receiver, resulting in the colon-separated user name and password string. Basic access authentication was originally defined in 1996 by RFC 1945 [][1] [1]:

我正在寻找一种方法让我的所有 ExtJS 4.1 代理将此添加到所有请求中。这似乎是一个简单的任务,但我找不到任何相关文档。顺便说一句,我确实知道如何通常通过 headers: {'X_MyHeader':'somevalue'} 属性向代理添加 header 。我只是不知道如何告诉 Ext 对当前用户名/密码进行全局操作。


我正在寻找类似的解决方案,将 OAuth token 应用于我的 代理,但找不到任何相关信息。非常震惊,没有任何关于如何做到这一点的信息。让我觉得我的处理方式是错误的。不管怎样,这就是我为实现这一目标而想出的办法。

覆盖并保留静态变量,以便它适用于所有代理。然后将设置的 authHeader 与当前 header 列表合并,以便您仍然可以自定义每个代理。

Ext.override(, {

    statics: {
        authHeader: undefined,

     * @cfg {Object} headers
     * Any headers to add to the Ajax request. Defaults to undefined.

    doRequest: function(operation, callback, scope) {
        var writer  = this.getWriter(),
            request = this.buildRequest(operation, callback, scope);

        if (operation.allowWrite()) {
            request = writer.write(request);
        Ext.apply(request, {
            headers       : Ext.apply(this.headers, ||,
            timeout       : this.timeout,
            scope         : this,
            callback      : this.createRequestCallback(request, operation, callback, scope),
            method        : this.getMethod(request),
            disableCaching: false // explicitly set it to false, ServerProxy handles caching


        return request;

然后我在本地存储中查找我的 token ,如果存在则全局设置它,否则提示登录。

MyApp.model.AuthToken.load(1, {
    callback: function(record) {
        // If we don't have anything in local storage for the user, show the login box.
        if (record.get('access_token') == '') {
            var window = Ext.create('MyApp.view.Login');
        } else {
   = { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + record.get('access_token') };

其中应该有一些额外的逻辑来处理 token 过期和刷新请求,但您明白了!

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