javascript - Backbone.Marionette 和渲染嵌套结构

标签 javascript backbone.js coffeescript marionette

我刚刚开始使用 Backbone.Marionette,在渲染具有多个嵌套项目的结构时遇到问题。我有一本电视指南,其中有很多 channel ,每个 channel 都有很多节目。 json结构为:

         "name":"Game of Thrones"
         "name":"Gojir returns"

         "name":"Alex Cook Saves Space"
         "name":"A Clockwork Orange"


class App.Program extends Backbone.Model

class App.Channel extends Backbone.Model
  initialize: ->
    @programs = new App.Programs(@attributes.programs)  


class App.Programs extends Backbone.Collection
  model: App.Program

class App.Channels extends Backbone.Collection
  model: App.Channel

class App.Guide extends Backbone.Collection
  model: App.Channel
  url: -> 'http://localhost:3000/guide'

  initialize: ->
    @on('reset', @setChannels)

  setChannels: ->
    @channels = new App.Channels(@models)

使用 Backbone.Marionette View 渲染以下结构的惯用方法是什么(我省略了我的 View 实现,因为它很糟糕):

<table id="guide">
      <th>Program 1</th>
      <th>Progarm 2</th>
    <tr class="guide-row">
      <td class="channel">541:HBO</td>
      <td class="program">Game of Thrones</td>
      <td class="program">Gojira Returns</td>
    <tr class="guide-row">
      <td class="channel">666:Showtime</td>
      <td class="program">Alex Cook Saves Space</td>
      <td class="program">A Clockwork Orange</td>

当渲染到 DOM 时, channel 将具有与程序不同的事件处理程序,因此我需要明确地渲染它们。




%script{type: 'text/html', id: 'channel-template'} <%= number %>: <%= name %>

%script{type: 'text/html', id: 'program-template'}
  <%= name %>

class App.Program extends Backbone.Model

class App.Programs extends Backbone.Collection
  model: App.Program

class App.ProgramView extends Backbone.Marionette.ItemView
  className: 'program'
  template: "#program-template"
  tagName: 'td'

class App.Channel extends Backbone.Model
  initialize: ->
    programs = @get("programs")
    if programs
      @programs = new App.Programs(programs)

class App.Channels extends Backbone.Collection
  model: App.Channel
  url: -> "http://localhost:3000/guide"

class App.ChannelView extends Backbone.Marionette.CompositeView
  className: 'guide-row'
  itemView: App.ProgramView
  tagName: 'tr'
  template: "#channel-template"

  initialize: ->
    @collection = @model.programs

class App.GuideView extends Backbone.Marionette.CollectionView
  id: '#guide'
  tagName: 'table'
  itemView: App.ChannelView

我们遇到的问题之一是模型、集合和 View 的加载顺序。这对于 View 来说非常重要。我们发现,如果未在集合/复合 View 中定义/加载 itemView,则默认情况下会使用父模板来渲染 itemView。

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