django - 如何安装 Django-nonrel (Django 1.9)?

标签 django mongodb

I am trying to setup mongodb with django 1.9 using this link:

if i install Django-nonrel using pip install git+

then it automatically install django 1.5 but we are using django latest version in my project and also we can see this document Last updated on Feb 01, 2016. Can you please take look? Thanks a lot.



来自github page for django-norel

This branch is 953 commits ahead, 7149 commits behind django:master.

最近的更改发生在 11 个月前,在 1.9 最终确定之前。

还有,不要。如果你想使用 MongoDB,有很多更好的框架。 Django 的主要业务是成为传统关系数据库的坚如磐石的对象关系映射器。

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