javascript - RequireJS 优化器是否可以在没有 "app.js"的情况下以及依赖于内联模块的模块上工作?

标签 javascript requirejs

在 RequireJS 示例中,它表明您可以从脚本标记引用 app.js(或任何您想要调用的起始文件),如下所示:

<script data-main="js/app.js" src="js/require.js"></script>


<script type="text/javascript">
        define('config', function() { 
            return {
                markup_id: {
                    "content": "search",
                    "page": "index",
                    "media": "mobile"
                page_context: {
                    "siteconfig": {
                        "mobile_video_player_id": /* */,
                        "mobile_video_player_key": /* */,
                        "mobile_ad_site": /* */,
                        "omniture_mobile_env": /* */,
                        "searchserver": /* */,              
                    "omniture": {
                        "gn": /* */,


我所做的是为每个模板放置一个内联 require.config。举例(具体路径信息已删除):

<script type="text/javascript">
/* This code is on a template page inside a script tag. */
            baseUrl: /* */,
            paths: {
                'jquery': /* */,
                'jquery-mobilead': /* */,
                'jquery-photogalleryswipe': /* */
            /* Enforce ordering of jQuery plugins - which require jquery */
            shim: {
                'jquery-mobilead': {
                    deps: ['jquery'],
                    exports: 'jQuery.fn.mobileAd'
                'jquery-photogalleryswipe': {
                    deps: ['jquery'],
                    exports: 'jQuery.fn.photoGallerySwipe'
                'gallery': {
                    deps: ['jquery-photogalleryswipe', 'jquery-mobilead']
            urlArgs: 'buildlife=@buildlife@'

        require( ['jquery', 'site', 'gallery', 'jquery-photogalleryswipe', 'jquery-mobilead'], function($, site, gallery) {
                //This function will be called when all the dependencies
                //listed above are loaded. Note that this function could
                //be called before the page is loaded.
                //This callback is optional.

                /* Initialize code */
                $(document).ready(function() {
                    /* sitewide code - call the constructor to initialize */
                    /* homepage contains a reference to a function - execute the function */


但是根据 RequireJS API 文档,我确实有模块 JS 文件。
/modules/gallery.js /modules/channel.js /模块/site.js /* 等等 */

这些模块确实依赖于其他模块,但这些模块依赖于“config”模块,该模块是与模板内联定义的。如果我针对这些文件运行优化器,优化器是否可以正常工作,因为模板中的模块之一 config 是?


我认为我通过阅读解决了自己的问题 How to load bootstrapped models in Backbone.js while using AMD (require.js)

我已将模板变量重组为 require 全局对象,并在 require.js 之前声明它。现在,模板仍然可以生成这些值,但由于 require.config 和 require 代码可以放入外部 JS 文件中,优化器现在应该能够看到这些文件。我还没有尝试运行优化器。

        /* This script block is in the template */
        var require = {
            config: {
                markup_id: {
                "content": "search",
                "page": "index",
                "media": "mobile"
                page_context: {
                   "siteconfig": {
                    "mobile_video_player_id": /* */,
                    "mobile_video_player_key": /* */,
                    "mobile_ad_site": /* */,
                    "omniture_mobile_env": /* */,
                    "searchserver": /* */,              
                "omniture": {
                    "gn": /* */,

 <script data-main="/m/j/main-search" src="/m/j/require.js"></script>

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