json - 如何仅使用 mongo-java-driver 执行 MongoDB native 查询(JSON)?

标签 json mongodb native mongo-java-driver

如何仅使用 java-mongo-driver 触发 mongo 原生查询。

No Spring-Data or EclipseLink or Hibernate OGM, Only using java-mongo-driver


      $unwind: "$specs"
            from: "inventory",
            localField: "specs",
            foreignField: "size",
            as: "inventory_docs"
      $match: { "inventory_docs": { $ne: [] } }



Can I pass the above string into the Java driver and have the driver execute it?


MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("...");

Bson command = new Document("eval", "db.orders.aggregate([\n" +
        "   {\n" +
        "      $unwind: \"$specs\"\n" +
        "   },\n" +
        "   {\n" +
        "      $lookup:\n" +
        "         {\n" +
        "            from: \"inventory\",\n" +
        "            localField: \"specs\",\n" +
        "            foreignField: \"size\",\n" +
        "            as: \"inventory_docs\"\n" +
        "        }\n" +
        "   },\n" +
        "   {\n" +
        "      $match: { \"inventory_docs\": { $ne: [] } }\n" +
        "   }\n" +
Document result = database.runCommand(command);

但是 ... db.eval 命令已弃用及其用法 is not advised . MongoDB Java 驱动程序可用于执行您的聚合,但不能以其“字符串形式”执行,相反您可以使用 Java 驱动程序的聚合助手来创建 Java 形式的聚合命令。关于此的大量详细信息 in the docs .

这是一个使用 3.x MongoDB Java 驱动程序的(未经测试的)示例 ...

MongoCollection<Document> collection = mongoClient.getDatabase("...").getCollection("...");

AggregateIterable<Document> documents = collection.aggregate(Arrays.asList(
        // the unwind stage
        new Document("$unwind", "$specs"),

        // the lookup stage
        new Document("$lookup", new Document("from", "inventory")
                .append("localField", "specs")
                .append("foreignField", "size")
                .append("as", "inventory_docs")),

        // the match stage
        new Document("$match", new Document("inventory_docs", new BasicDBObject("$ne", new String[0])))

.. 这可能会帮助您了解从 shell 脚本到 Java 的转换形式。

关于json - 如何仅使用 mongo-java-driver 执行 MongoDB native 查询(JSON)?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47093563/


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