javascript - 删除以避免递归

标签 javascript recursion

我一直在阅读“Javascript:Definitive Guid”,其中一个例子让我困惑。为什么处理 IE 的代码需要“this.onpropertychange = null”以避免递归。递归将如何发生?为什么我们不需要以同样的方式处理处理其他浏览器的“upcase”函数?谢谢。

//Example 17-7. Using the propertychange event to detect text input
function forceToUpperCase(element) {
    if (typeof element === "string") element = document.getElementById(element);
    element.oninput = upcase;
    element.onpropertychange = upcaseOnPropertyChange;
    // Easy case: the handler for the input event
    function upcase(event) {
        this.value = this.value.toUpperCase();
    // Hard case: the handler for the propertychange event
    function upcaseOnPropertyChange(event) {
        var e = event || window.event;
        // If the value property changed
        if (e.propertyName === "value") {
            // Remove onpropertychange handler to avoid recursion
            this.onpropertychange = null;
            // Change the value to all uppercase
            this.value = this.value.toUpperCase();
            // And restore the original propertychange handler
            this.onpropertychange = upcaseOnPropertyChange;





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