javascript - 如何更新模型是集合的一部分

标签 javascript backbone.js requirejs


  1. 观点/问题 View
  2. 查看/问题项查看
  3. 收藏/问题收藏
  4. 模型/问题模型


我需要做的是,当用户使用新值单击向上/向下按钮时更新模型,并使用新值再次重新渲染项目 View 。


问题 View

// Filename: views/_activity_slider_inHeader
], function($, _, Backbone, Config, QuestionsCollection, SingleQuestionView, question_slider_template, bootbox) {
var ActivitySlider = Backbone.View.extend({
    el: $(".content_container"),
    template: _.template(question_slider_template),
    initialize: function() {
         * initial script
        var questionsCollection = new QuestionsCollection();
        this.collection = questionsCollection;
            reset: true,
            error: function(model, xhr, options) {
                 * When triggering error:
                 *      1. If ther response is not valid json
                 *      2. There is error connecting to the server
                if (xhr['readyState'] === 1 | xhr['status'] === 404) {

                     * the connection has not been made, user may be not connected to the internet
                     * @readyState The state of the request:
                     *             0 = UNSENT
                     *             1 = OPENED
                     *             2 = HEADERS_RECEIVED
                     *             3 = LOADING
                     *             4 = DONE
                    var msg = "pla pla",
                            title = "pla pla";

                         * bootbox.dialog, bootbox.prompt, bootbox.confirm, bootbox.alert
                         * bootbox should have a callback used for the buttons
                        message: msg,
                        title: title,
                        buttons: {
                            main: {
                                label: "pla pla",
                                className: "",
                                callback: function() {


                if (xhr['readyState'] === 4 & xhr['status'] === 200) {
                     * Handling empty data
                     * connections to the server made successfully but seems to be there is no data returned by the server

        this.listenTo(this.collection, 'reset', this.render);
    render: function(questions) {

         * Ilterate through all activities and start rendering item by item through the SingleActivityView
        if (questions.size() === 0) {
             * there is no available activities
             * further use ..

        } else {

            var i = 1;
            //there is activities available
            questions.each(function(question) {
                //create instance of the single item view
                var current = question.attributes,
                        singleQuestionView = new SingleQuestionView({
                    model: question,
                    collection: this.collection,
                    id: i

            }, this);


    renderList: function() {
         * rendering the slider structure itself first
        var data = {
            path: Config.baseUrl,
            _: _

return ActivitySlider;


问题项目 View

/* Filename: views/home_question_item
* used to handle one row of the questions objects, merge the model data onto call list item
], function($, _, Backbone, Config, QuestionItemTemplate, S, moment, moment_ar) {
var url = $.url(),
    ActivityItemView = Backbone.View.extend({
    el: $("li"),
    template: _.template(QuestionItemTemplate),
    initialize: function(){

    render: function() {

        var model = this.model.attributes;

        var data = {
            path: Config.baseUrl,
            lang: url.segment(1),
            id: model['id'],
            date: model['date'],
            views: model['views'],
            author: model['author'],
            authorName: model['authorName'],
            question: model['question'],
            answer: model['answer'],
            rate: model['rate'],
            _ : _,
            S: S,
            moment: moment

        return this;
    close: function(){
return ActivityItemView;


// Filename: collections/activities
], function ($, _, Backbone, Config, question, moment) {

var url = $.url(),
    ActivitiesCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({

    model: question,
    url: Config.baseUrl + url.segment(1) + '/pull/questions'

return ActivitiesCollection;


// Filename: models/activity
], function ($, _, Backbone, Config) {

var url = $.url(),
    ActivityModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
    defaults: {
        id: 'N/A'
    urlRoot: Config.baseUrl + url.segment(1) + '/pull/questions/'

return ActivityModel;




var ActivityItemView = Backbone.View.extend({
    el: $("li"),
    template: _.template(QuestionItemTemplate),
    initialize: function(options){
        this.model = options.model;
        this.listenTo(this.model, 'change', this.render, this); 
    events : {
        'click #arrowUp' : 'increaseModelRating',
        'click #arrowDown' : 'decreaseModelRating',
    render: function() {
        var data = { '...' };
        return this;
    increaseModelRating: function() {
        var currentRating = this.model.get('rating');
        this.model.set('rating', ++currentRating);
    decreaseModelRating: function() {
        var currentRating = this.model.get('rating');
        this.model.set('rating', --currentRating);
    close: function() { '...' }

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