javascript - 更新模型 AngularJS

标签 javascript angularjs

我试图了解 AngularJS 是如何工作的。 我有一个指令 count-Date 可以按月和年计算年龄。 我无法直接写入数据模型,因为我有很多字段,但我想多次使用我的代码。


<div>Date of birth first child
    month:  <input type = "text" id = "MonthFirstChild" ng-model='MonthFirstChild' required          maxlength="2" only-Digits month required count-Date>   
    year: <input type = "text" name='YearFirstChild' ng-model='YearFirstChild' maxlength="4" only-Digits  year-Of-Birth required count-Date>
   <span ng-model = "AgeFirstChild">{{AgeFirstChild}}</span>

<div>Date of birth second child
    month:  <input type = "text" id = "MonthSecondChild" ng-model='MonthSecondChild' required maxlength="2" only-Digits month required count-Date>  
    year: <input type = "text" name='YearSecondChild' ng-model='YearSecondChild' maxlength="4" only-Digits  year-Of-Birth required count-Date>
   <span ng-model = "AgeSecondChild">{{AgeSecondChild}}</span>


app.directive('countDate', function () {
    return {
        link: function ($scope, element, attrs) {
            element.bind('blur', function(event,el) {
                var el = angular.element(element),
                    month = +el.parent().children().eq(0).val(),
                    year = +el.parent().children().eq(1).val(),
                    dateOfBirth = new Date(year,month),
                    now = new Date(),
                    today = new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth()),
                    age = Math.round((now - dateOfBirth)/(32140800000);                                       



如果您只想计算年龄,那么编写指令有点大材小用 - 您可以简单地编写一个计算年龄的作用域方法,例如:


<div>Date of birth first child
    month: <input type="number" min="1" max="12" ng-model="MonthFirstChild" required maxlength="2" />   
    year: <input type="number" min="0" max="9999" ng-model="YearFirstChild" required maxlength="4" />   
    <span>{{getAge(YearFirstChild, MonthFirstChild)}}</span>

JS( Controller ):

$scope.getAge = function(year,month) {
    var dateOfBirth = new Date(year, month),
        now = new Date();
    return now.getFullYear() - dateOfBirth.getFullYear();

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