c# - 将数据表从 C# 动态传递到 Javascript

标签 c# javascript web-services wcf


数据表是在运行时通过使用 C# 从 Excel 文件读取值来生成的。如何将其传递给javascript?

protected void btnRead_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
      Upload();  //Upload File Method
      DataTable dt = ReadExcelWithStream(currFilePath); 
    //on button click it reads file path of excel and stores it in a string path 
    //calls the ReadExcelWithStream Method to read the excel File

  private void Upload()
            HttpPostedFile file = this.fileSelect.PostedFile;
            string fileName = file.FileName;
            string tempPath = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath();   //Get Temporary File Path
            fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fileName); //Get File Name (not including path)
            this.currFileExtension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(fileName);   //Get File Extension
            this.currFilePath = tempPath + fileName; //Get File Path after Uploading and Record to Former Declared Global Variable
            file.SaveAs(this.currFilePath);  //Upload
    private DataTable ReadExcelWithStream(string path)
       bool isDtHasColumn = false;   //Mark if DataTable Generates Column
       StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(path, System.Text.Encoding.Default);  //Data Stream
       while (!reader.EndOfStream)
       string message = reader.ReadLine();
       string[] splitResult = message.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.None);  //Read One Row and Separate by Comma, Save to Array
       DataRow row = dt.NewRow();
       for (int i = 0; i < splitResult.Length; i++)
                if (!isDtHasColumn) //If not Generate Column
                    dt.Columns.Add("column" + i, typeof(string));
                row[i] = splitResult[i];
       isDtHasColumn = true;  //Mark the Existed Column after Read the First Row, Not Generate Column after Reading Later Rows
        //method(here coding to read the excel file and stores it in a dt is written)
        return dt;

[ScriptMethod, WebMethod]
public static DataTable ForJs(DataTable dt)
  return dt;


<script type="text/javascript">
    function InsertLabelData() {
        PageMethods.ForJs(onSuccess, onFailure);
    function onSuccess(dt) {
     //attach the table to dhtmlx grid

但是数据表没有传递给 JavaScript。 如何将数据表从 C# 传递到 javascript


您不能简单地将对象传递给 JavaScript。它必须采用可用的格式。类似于数组或序列化为 XML 或 JSON。还有“DataTables contain lots of additional information which JSON cannot store”。

看看how to pass c# datatable to a javascript functionWhat's the best way to jSON serialize a .NET DataTable in WCF?有关此主题的更多信息。

关于c# - 将数据表从 C# 动态传递到 Javascript,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23854620/


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