javascript - Angular ng-repeat 重复 tr 与多个 td

标签 javascript angularjs e-commerce

我正在开发我的电子商务应用程序,并尝试在我的应用程序中实现 Angular js。

我当前没 Angular html 代码就像 .每个 tr 有 4 个产品。

<table style="border-collapse:collapse;width: 769px">
<td style="border:1px Dashed #bfbfbf;width: 192px;">/*Product Details goes here*/</td>
<td style="border:1px Dashed #bfbfbf;width: 192px;">/*Product Details goes here*/</td>
<td style="border:1px Dashed #bfbfbf;width: 192px;">/*Product Details goes here*/</td>
<td style="border:1px Dashed #bfbfbf;width: 192px;">/*Product Details goes here*/</td>
<td style="border:1px Dashed #bfbfbf;width: 192px;">/*Product Details goes here*/</td>
<td style="border:1px Dashed #bfbfbf;width: 192px;">/*Product Details goes here*/</td>
<td style="border:1px Dashed #bfbfbf;width: 192px;">/*Product Details goes here*/</td>
<td style="border:1px Dashed #bfbfbf;width: 192px;">/*Product Details goes here*/</td>

现在,当我尝试实现 Angular js 并动态加载我的产品时,我必须编写以下代码

<table style="border-collapse:collapse;width: 769px">
<td ng-repeat="product in products" style="border:1px Dashed #bfbfbf;width:192px;colspan="4"";>
<ng-include src="product.FullDescription"></ng-include>

这当然会创建单行,所有产品都在单行中。任何人都想使用 ng-repeat 以便我可以拥有多个 tr,每个 tr 有 4 个 tds


这是我的 Controller

angular.module('myApp', [])
.controller('NgProducts', function($scope) {
$scope.products=@Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model.Products));//Model.products can contain any number of products. 

  // I want to load this every product in single td and also want to have mtliple tr with each tr having 4 tds




在 tr 上使用 ng-repeat="product in products"


<table style="border-collapse:collapse;width: 769px">
<tr ng-repeat="product in products">
<td  style="border:1px Dashed #bfbfbf;width:192px;colspan="4"";>
<ng-include src="product.FullDescription"></ng-include>


<tr ng-repeat="alldata in mydata.row | filter:search | orderBy:sortBy:reverse ">
                    <td><div>{{ | number}}</div></td>
                    <td>{{ | uppercase}}</td>
                        <td><a href="#/edit/{{}}" class="btn btn-primary">Edit</a></td>



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