javascript - 并行调用 async/await 函数

标签 javascript node.js asynchronous ecmascript-6 babeljs

据我了解,在 ES7/ES2016 中,在代码中放置多个 await 的工作方式类似于使用 Promise 链接 .then(),这意味着它们将一个接一个地执行,而不是并行执行。因此,例如,我们有以下代码:

await someCall();
await anotherCall();

我是否正确理解 anotherCall() 只有在 someCall() 完成时才会被调用?并行调用它们的最优雅方式是什么?


编辑:我对这个问题中提供的解决方案不满意:Slowdown due to non-parallel awaiting of promises in async generators ,因为它使用了生成器,我问的是更一般的用例。


你可以在 Promise.all() 上等待:

await Promise.all([someCall(), anotherCall()]);


let [someResult, anotherResult] = await Promise.all([someCall(), anotherCall()]);

请注意,Promise.all 很快就会失败,这意味着一旦提供给它的 promise 之一被拒绝,那么整个事情都会被拒绝。

const happy = (v, ms) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(v), ms))
const sad = (v, ms) => new Promise((_, reject) => setTimeout(() => reject(v), ms))

Promise.all([happy('happy', 100), sad('sad', 50)])
  .then(console.log).catch(console.log) // 'sad'

相反,如果您想等待所有的 promise 履行或拒绝,那么您可以使用 Promise.allSettled .请注意,Internet Explorer 本身并不支持此方法。

const happy = (v, ms) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(v), ms))
const sad = (v, ms) => new Promise((_, reject) => setTimeout(() => reject(v), ms))

Promise.allSettled([happy('happy', 100), sad('sad', 50)])
  .then(console.log) // [{ "status":"fulfilled", "value":"happy" }, { "status":"rejected", "reason":"sad" }]

Note: If you use Promise.all actions that managed to finish before rejection happen are not rolled back, so you may need to take care of such situation. For example if you have 5 actions, 4 quick, 1 slow and slow rejects. Those 4 actions may be already executed so you may need to roll back. In such situation consider using Promise.allSettled while it will provide exact detail which action failed and which not.

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