javascript - Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 计算字段如何工作?

标签 javascript calculated-field dynamics-crm-2015

我想了解 CRM 2015 中的计算字段如何工作?实际上它是如何在后端实现的?它使用哪种技术,JavaScript 还是其他技术?

我还注意到,如果我在 CRM View 上有计算字段,并且它包含 DiffInDays() 公式的值(= 日期值 - 当前日期),则该字段的值将每天自动刷新,即使我不要刷新 View 。这是怎么发生的?


无需 JavaScript,在服务器端执行,来自 Calculated and rollup attributes .

Calculated attributes are calculated in real-time when they are retrieved.

Because rollup attributes persist in the database, they can be used for filtering or sorting just like regular attributes. Any kind of process or plug-in will use the most recently calculated value of the attribute. Rollup attribute values are calculated asynchronously by scheduled system jobs.

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