javascript - 如何使用 Stripe 向用户添加卡并进行收费?

标签 javascript php stripe-payments credit-card


我使用js创建了一个卡 token

Stripe.card.createToken(ccData, function stripeResponseHandler(status, response) { 
    var token =;

    // add the cc info to the user using
    // charge the cc for an amount

要添加我正在使用 php 的抄送

$stripeResp = Stripe_Customer::retrieve($stripeUserId);
$stripeResp->sources->create(['source' => $cardToken]);

为了给 cc 充电,我也使用 php

$stripeCharge = Stripe_Charge::create([
    'source'      => $token,
    'amount'      => $amount

完成这一切后,我得到您不能多次使用 Stripe token


欢迎使用 PHP,但 js 也很棒。


Saving credit card details for later

Stripe tokens can only be used once, but that doesn't mean you have to request your customer's card details for every payment. Stripe provides a Customer object type that makes it easy to save this—and other—information for later use.

Instead of charging the card immediately, create a new Customer, saving the token on the Customer in the process. This will let you charge the customer at any point in the future:

(以下是多种语言的示例)。 PHP版本:

// Set your secret key: remember to change this to your live secret key in production
// See your keys here

// Get the credit card details submitted by the form
$token = $_POST['stripeToken'];

// Create a Customer
$customer = \Stripe\Customer::create(array(
  "source" => $token,
  "description" => "Example customer")

// Charge the Customer instead of the card
  "amount" => 1000, // amount in cents, again
  "currency" => "usd",
  "customer" => $customer->id)

// YOUR CODE: Save the customer ID and other info in a database for later!

// YOUR CODE: When it's time to charge the customer again, retrieve the customer ID!

  "amount"   => 1500, // $15.00 this time
  "currency" => "usd",
  "customer" => $customerId // Previously stored, then retrieved

After creating a customer in Stripe with a stored payment method, you can charge that customer at any point in time by passing the customer ID—instead of a card representation—in the charge request. Be certain to store the customer ID on your side for later use.


Stripe 有优秀的文档,请阅读它!

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