javascript - 将 npm 中的 js 库添加为 Play 2.0 应用程序的依赖项

标签 javascript playframework npm sbt webjars

我正在尝试将react-grid-layout添加到我的play 2.0网络应用程序中。首先,我找到了这个库的 web jar 并将其添加到 build.sbt 中。所以我的 sbt 如下所示:

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  specs2 % Test,
  "org.webjars" %% "webjars-play" % "2.4.0-1",
  "org.webjars" % "react" % "0.14.0",
  "org.webjars" % "marked" % "0.3.2",
  "org.webjars" % "jquery" % "2.1.4",
  "org.webjars.npm" % "react-grid-layout" % "0.9.1"


GET     /webjars/*file    

除了react-grid-layout之外的所有库都已成功安装到target/web/web-modules目录中。所以,我猜问题出在 npm org.webjars.npm 上。



詹姆斯在下面解释了它 github issue .

Deployment is manual for all libraries and their dependencies. But this is something that anyone can do with NPM & Bower WebJars. I think a good / easy first step with this is to present a list of missing transitive dependencies when a deployment finishes. That would make it easy for someone to walk through the tree to manually deploy everything.


It is possible that the WebJar you are trying to use is failing because of missing transitive dependencies. This usually happens when libraries are missing required metadata so they can't be imported into Maven Central. It is an unfortunate situation but there isn't much we can do to fix it. The alternative is to use Classic WebJars instead. Info on creating Classic WebJars:

查看上面链接的完整 github 问题以获取完整对话。

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