javascript - Dimple.JS Animate 线条系列动画

标签 javascript d3.js dimple.js

我正在尝试使用 Dimple.js 实现图表,下面是我尝试分别为两个系列(此处为条形图和线条)设置动画的代码,但它看起来像线条系列动画像条形系列(从下到上) 。然而,我期待更像在这里执行的动画:

<div id="divBarWithLineChart" class="DimpleChart"></div>

    var width = $('#divBarWithLineChart').width();

    var height = $('#divBarWithLineChart').height();

    var svg = dimple.newSvg("#divBarWithLineChart", width - 20, height);

    d3.json("Scripts/Data/Data.json", function (data) {
        // Filter the data for a single channel
        data = dimple.filterData(data, "Channel", "Hypermarkets");

        // Create the chart
        var myChart = new dimple.chart(svg, data);
        myChart.setBounds(60, 30, 470, 300)

        // Add an x and 2 y-axes.  When using multiple axes it's
        // important to assign them to variables to pass to the series
        var x = myChart.addCategoryAxis("x", "Brand");
        var y1 = myChart.addMeasureAxis("y", "Price");
        var y2 = myChart.addMeasureAxis("y", "Sales Value");

        // Order the x axis by sales value desc
        x.addOrderRule("Sales Value", true);

        // Color the sales bars to be highly transparent
        myChart.assignColor("Sales", "#222222", "#000000", 0.1);

        // Add the bars mapped to the second y axis
        myChart.addSeries("Sales",, [x, y2]);

        // Add series for minimum, average and maximum price
        var min = myChart.addSeries("Min", dimple.plot.line, [x, y1]);
        min.aggregate = dimple.aggregateMethod.min;

        myChart.setMargins("70px", "30px", "70px", "70px");

        myChart.assignColor("Sales", "#083f65", "#083f65", 1);
        myChart.assignColor("Min", "#c62828", "#c62828", 1);

        myChart.staggerDraw = true;
        myChart.ease = "bounce";




是的,这是可能的。如果您检查 chrome 开发人员栏中的 svg 行,它是一个可以使用 css 进行动画处理的 svg 路径...路径类名称是 dimple-line。因此,只需为这个类名添加一些 css,当绘制线条时,它会完全模仿 d3 示例(在我的网站 上尝试过)并且它工作得很好......

    .dimple-line {
        stroke-dasharray: 1000;
        stroke-dashoffset: 1000;
        animation: dash 5s linear forwards;

    @keyframes dash {
        to {
            stroke-dashoffset: 0;


.dimple-line {
        stroke-dasharray: 20;
        stroke-dashoffset: 1000;
        animation: dash 5s linear forwards;

    @keyframes dash {
        to {
            stroke-dashoffset: 0;


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