javascript - 脚本代码片段显示在博客文章摘要中

标签 javascript html blogger adsense

最近我的博客Sample批准了 Adsense,所以我开始将广告放在帖子的顶部。但这会导致广告代码显示在帖子摘要中,如下所示 请看这个ximagex


Java 脚本代码

<script type='text/javascript'>
//Post Thumbnail Setting
var TemplateismSummary = {
    displayimages: false,
    imagePosition: 'left',
    Widthimg: 200,
    Heightimg: 0,
    noThumb: '',
    SummaryWords: 21,
    wordsNoImg: 20,
    skipper: 0,
    DisplayHome: true,
    DisplayLabel: true


您将需要使用新引入的 snippet运算符(operator)。这是 Blogger 用于从 HTML 字符串生成片段的 native 方法(在我们的示例中,这是完整的帖子内容)。设置选项linebreakslinksfalse需要完成从通过此运算符生成的代码片段中删除所有 HTML 标签。替换<data:post.body/>的实例使用以下代码 -

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType not in {"static_page", "item"}'>
  <b:eval expr='snippet(data:post.body, {length: 450, linebreaks: false, links: false})' />

有关 snippet 的所有选项的信息运算符-

snippet(string, options)

Produces a short snippet from an HTML string.

options: Object specifying the snippeting options, which are:

  • links: boolean for whether to preserve anchors/links in the snippet. Defaults to true.
  • linebreaks: boolean for whether to preserve linebreaks (tags) in the snippet. Defaults to true.
  • ellipsis: boolean for whether to append an ellipsis to the end of the snippet. Defaults to true.
  • length: Number specifying the maximum length of the snippet.

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