mongodb - 复制集中的mongodb节点是否需要时间同步?

标签 mongodb replication

“MongoDB in Action”一书说:

Imagine you issue a write to the primary node of a replica set. What happens next? First, the write is recorded and then added to the primary’s oplog. Meanwhile, all sec- ondaries have their own oplogs that replicate the primary’s oplog. So when a given secondary node is ready to update itself, it does three things. First, it looks at the time- stamp of the latest entry in its own oplog. Next, it queries the primary’s oplog for all entries greater than that timestamp. Finally, it adds each of those entries to its own oplog and applies the entries to itself



一般来说,是的,让您的主机同步是一个非常好的主意(NTP 是通常的解决方案)。事实上,我见过比不同步 oplog 更严重的问题 - 集群中数据库主机上的不同时间应该被认为是必须的。



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