javascript - 从一份 Google 表单提交创建两个 Google 日历事件

标签 javascript google-apps-script google-sheets google-calendar-api google-forms

我正在尝试使用 Google 表单和 Google 日历创建团队待命安排程序。每个团队都可以选择配备主要和次要待命人员。到目前为止,我已经能够成功获取将主要选项放入 Google 日历的代码,但我无法弄清楚如何获取将辅助选项放入日历(如果选择)的代码。我已经从其他人那里寻找答案,但找不到任何东西,或者也许我只是不明白,因为我对编码很陌生。预先感谢任何能够提供帮助的人。

我应该明确并赞扬一位名叫 Jesse Spevack ( ) 的绅士,他提供了基础。


//Load the Moment.js library once.
var moment = Moment.load();

var GLOBAL = {
  //the id of the form we will use to create calendar events 
  formId : "xxxxx",
  //the id of the calendar we will create events on
  calendarId : "xxxx",
  //a mapping of form item titles to sections of the calendar event
  formMap : {
    eventTitle: "Team Primary On-call",
    startTime : "Primary start date/time",
    endTime: "Primary end date/time",
    description: "Primary On-call Contact",

function onFormSubmit() {
  var eventObject = getFormResponse();
  var event = createCalendarEvent(eventObject);

function getFormResponse() {
  // Get a form object by opening the form using the
  // form id stored in the GLOBAL variable object
  var form = FormApp.openById(GLOBAL.formId),
      //Get all responses from the form. 
      //This method returns an array of form responses
      responses = form.getResponses(),
      //find the length of the responses array
      length = responses.length,
      //find the index of the most recent form response
      //since arrays are zero indexed, the last response 
      //is the total number of responses minus one
      lastResponse = responses[length-1],
      //get an array of responses to every question item 
      //within the form for which the respondent provided an answer
      itemResponses = lastResponse.getItemResponses(),
      //create an empty object to store data from the last 
      //form response
      //that will be used to create a calendar event
      eventObject = {};
  //Loop through each item response in the item response array
  for (var i = 0, x = itemResponses.length; i<x; i++) {
    //Get the title of the form item being iterated on
    var thisItem = itemResponses[i].getItem().getTitle(),
        //get the submitted response to the form item being
        //iterated on
        thisResponse = itemResponses[i].getResponse();
    //based on the form question title, map the response of the 
    //item being iterated on into our eventObject variable
    //use the GLOBAL variable formMap sub object to match 
    //form question titles to property keys in the event object
    switch (thisItem) {
      case GLOBAL.formMap.eventTitle:
        eventObject.title = thisResponse;
      case GLOBAL.formMap.startTime:
        eventObject.startTime = thisResponse;
      case GLOBAL.formMap.endTime:
        eventObject.endTime = thisResponse;
      case GLOBAL.formMap.description:
        eventObject.description = thisResponse;
  return eventObject;

function createCalendarEvent(eventObject) {
  //Get a calendar object by opening the calendar using the
  //calendar id stored in the GLOBAL variable object
  var calendar = CalendarApp.getCalendarById(GLOBAL.calendarId),
      //The title for the event that will be created
      title = eventObject.title,
      //The start time and date of the event that will be created
      startTime = moment(eventObject.startTime).toDate(),
      //The end time and date of the event that will be created
      endTime = moment(eventObject.endTime).toDate();
  //an options object containing the description and guest list
  //for the event that will be created
  var options = {
    description : eventObject.description,
  try {
    //create a calendar event with given title, start time,
    //end time, and description and guests stored in an 
    //options argument
    var event = calendar.createEvent(title, startTime, 
                                     endTime, options)
    } catch (e) {
      //delete the guest property from the options variable, 
      //as an invalid email address with cause this method to 
      //throw an error.
      delete options.guests
      //create the event without including the guest
      var event = calendar.createEvent(title, startTime, 
                                       endTime, options)
  return event;   



function onFormSubmit() {
  var eventObject = getFormResponse();
  var event = createCalendarEvent(eventObject);


function onFormSubmit() {
  var eventObject, calendarTwoID;

  eventObject = getFormResponse();

  calendarTwoID = 'Put the ID of the second calendar here';

  createCalendarEvent(eventObject);//Create first event
  createCalendarEvent(eventObject, calendarTwoID);//Create second event

createCalendarEvent 函数更改为:

function createCalendarEvent(eventObject, calendarID) {
  //Get a calendar object by opening the calendar using the
  //calendar id stored in the GLOBAL variable object
  var calendar;

  if (calendarID) {//If ID is passed in
    calendar = CalendarApp.getCalendarById(calendarID);//use the passed in ID
  } else {//Otherwise use the global ID
    calendar = CalendarApp.getCalendarById(GLOBAL.calendarId);

  //The title for the event that will be created
  var title = eventObject.title,
  //The start time and date of the event that will be created
  startTime = moment(eventObject.startTime).toDate(),
  //The end time and date of the event that will be created
  endTime = moment(eventObject.endTime).toDate();

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