javascript - 根据时间戳按降序排列 Firebase 查询

标签 javascript firebase react-native firebase-realtime-database nosql

我在使用 React Native 从 firebase 和 javascript 返回按降序排列的对象数组时遇到问题。我本质上是“加入”两个 firebase parent ,然后将它们插入一个数组。

async loadChats(userId){

 this.chatIdRef = firebase.database().ref("members");;
 this.chatsRef = firebase.database().ref("chats");;

 items = [];
 this.chatIdRef.child(userId).on('child_added', snap => {
 this.chatsRef.child(snap.key).startAt().on('value', snapshot => {

      receiverId: snap.val().userId,
      timeStamp: snapshot.val().createdAt,
      name: snap.val().userName,
      key: snapshot.key

    dataSource: this.state.dataSource.cloneWithRows(items)




根据 Firebase 文档,使用 orderByChild 的查询按以下顺序返回列表:-

Children with a null value for the specified child key come first.

Children with a value of false for the specified child key come next. If multiple children have a value of false, they are sorted lexicographically by key.

Children with a value of true for the specified child key come next. If multiple children have a value of true, they are sorted lexicographically by key.

Children with a numeric value come next, sorted in ascending order. If multiple children have the same numerical value for the specified child node, they are sorted by key.

Strings come after numbers and are sorted lexicographically in ascending order. If multiple children have the same value for the specified child node, they are ordered lexicographically by key.

Objects come last and are sorted lexicographically by key in ascending order.


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