javascript - 停止对选择框中的 HTML 选项进行自动排序

标签 javascript jquery html sorting

我有两个 HTML 选择框。我将选项从一个框移动到另一个框,分别为框“from[]”和框“to[]”。我遇到的问题是,“to[]”框在添加选项时按字母顺序对选项进行排序。我希望每个选项都附加到框中并且根本不排序。


我在 Javascript 中留下了注释掉的代码,这样您就可以看到我尝试过的内容。如果它让一切变得太困惑,我会将其删除。



<select name="from[]" id="fabricBox" class="form-control" size="8" multiple="multiple" style="width:100%">

<select name="to[]" id="fabricBox_to" class="form-control" size="8" multiple="multiple" required></select>


$('#fabricBox').dblclick (function(){
                $value = $('#fabricBox option:selected').val();

// $('#fabricBox_to').val() = $value 

// $text = $('#fabricBox option:selected').text();

// $("#fabricBox_to").append($('<option></option>').attr("value",$value).text($text)); 



1) 您可以映射所有选定选项并将它们作为分隔字符串返回(,)

2) 现在将字符串分割数组

3) 删除选择元素移动到选择元素的项目。

4) 最后循环遍历数组,将选项附加到第二个选择元素。



//move items from fabricBox to fabricBox_to
$("#move").on("click", function(){
  MoveToandFrom("#fabricBox", "#fabricBox_to");

//You can even move the options back if you need to
$("#moveBack").on("click", function(){
  MoveToandFrom("#fabricBox_to", "#fabricBox");

//reusable function that moves selected indexes back and forth
function MoveToandFrom(fromSelectElement, toSelectElement)
  //get list of selected options as delimited string
  var selected = $(fromSelectElement + " option:selected").map(function(){ return this.value }).get().join(", ");
  //if no option is selected in either select box
  if( $.contains(selected, "") ){
    alert("You have to select an option!");
    return false;
  //split the selected options into an array 
  var stringArray = selected.split(',');
  //remove selected items from selected select box to second select box
  $(fromSelectElement + " option:selected").remove();
  //loop through array and append the selected items to Fabric_to select box
  $.each( stringArray, function( key, value ) {
      $(toSelectElement).append("<option>" + value + "</option>");
<script src=""></script>

  <label for="fabricBox">From</label>
  <select name="from[]" id="fabricBox" class="form-control" size="8" multiple="multiple" style="width:100%">
    <option>Fabric 1</option>
    <option>Fabric 2</option>
    <option>Fabric 3</option>
    <option>Fabric 4</option>
    <option>Fabric 5</option>
    <option>Fabric 6</option>
  <button id="move">Move Selected</button>
  <label for="fabricBox_to">To</label>
  <select name="to[]" id="fabricBox_to" class="form-control" size="8" multiple="multiple" style="width:100%" required>
  <button id="moveBack">Move Selected back</button>

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