javascript - 石头、剪刀、布游戏 - 不返回谁获胜的表达式等

标签 javascript


  • 在我的浏览器上,不显示谁获胜的消息。如“计算机获胜”。我得到的结果如下:

    Computer: Paper

    You: rock


    let userChoice = prompt("Do you choose Rock, Paper or Scissors?");
    let computerChoice = Math.random();
    if (computerChoice < 0.34) {
    computerChoice = "Rock";
    } else if(computerChoice <= 0.67) {
    computerChoice = "Paper";
    } else {
    computerChoice = "Scissors";
    let compare = function(choice1, choice2) {
    if (choice1 === choice2) {
        document.getElementById('printwo').innerHTML =  'The result is a    tie!';
     else if (choice1 === "Rock"){
         if (choice2 ==="Scissors") {
              document.getElementById('printwo').innerHTML =  'Rock wins';
         else {
              document.getElementById('printwo').innerHTML =  'Paper wins';
         else if (choice1 === 'Paper') {
         if (choice2 === 'Rock') {
              document.getElementById('printwo').innerHTML =  'Paper wins';
         else {
              document.getElementById('printwo').innerHTML =  'Scissors wins';
         else if (choice1 === 'Scissors') {
             if (choice2 ==='Rock') {
                  document.getElementById('printwo').innerHTML =  'Rock wins';
             else  {
                 document.getElementById('printwo').innerHTML = 'Scissors wins';
     document.getElementById("print").innerHTML = "Computer: " + computerChoice + "</br>" + "You: " + userChoice;
     compare(userChoice, computerChoice);

  • 我还想添加一个else语句来给出消息“请插入有效的响应”,以防用户不选择任何3个选项。但我应该把它放在函数中的什么地方呢?我尝试将其放在最后,但无论我写什么,它总是显示该消息。
  • 为什么我不能使用包含许多行代码的函数(例如下面的代码)来编写这个游戏,而不是使用这么多 else if 语句:

    else if(userChoice === 'Paper' && computerChoice === 'Paper') {
    return ('It\'s a tie!'); }

  • 最后但并非最不重要的一点是,为什么使用 return (而不是 document.getElementById())不起作用) 在函数内,然后调用 document.getElementById()



  • 最佳答案

    I also wanted to add an else statement to give the message "Please insert a valid response" in case the user doesn't choose any of the 3 options. But where should I place it inside the function? I tried putting it at the end but then it always displayed the message, no matter what I wrote.

    这不属于compare函数。 当您获得用户输入时,这将是最好的。 您可能需要反复询问用户,直到获得有效的输入,例如:

    const choices = ['Rock', 'Paper', 'Scissors'];
    var userChoice;
    while (true) {
      prompt("Do you choose Rock, Paper or Scissors?");
      if (choices.indexOf(userChoice) != -1) break;
      console.log('Invalid choice!');


    let computerChoice = choices[Math.floor(Math.random() * choices.length)];

    Instead of so many else if statements, why can't I write this game using a function which contains many lines of code such as this one: else if(userChoice === 'Paper' && computerChoice === 'Paper') { return ('It\'s a tie!'); }

    由于 choice1 === choice2 条件,您实际上并没有确切的行。 无论如何,拥有所有这些 if-else-if 并没有什么根本性的错误。 您可以使用不同的方法,例如面向对象的方法, 每个对象都会知道什么其他选择可以打败它,什么不能, 但这种方法是否明显更好还不是很明显。

    Last but not least, why doesn't it work to use return (instead of document.getElementById()) inside the function and then call the function inside of document.getElementById()

    确实,最好从 compare 函数中删除所有重复的 document.getElementById('printwo').innerHTML = 。 你可以这样写:

    let compare = function(choice1, choice2) {
      if (choice1 === choice2) {
        return 'The result is a    tie!';
      } else if (choice1 === "Rock") {
        if (choice2 === "Scissors") {
          return 'Rock wins';
        } else {
          return 'Paper wins';
      } else if (choice1 === 'Paper') {
        if (choice2 === 'Rock') {
          return 'Paper wins';
        } else {
          return 'Scissors wins';
      } else {
        if (choice2 === 'Rock') {
          return 'Rock wins';
        } else  {
          return 'Scissors wins';
    document.getElementById('printwo').innerHTML = compare(userChoice, computerChoice);

    使用三元运算符 ?::

      if (choice1 === choice2) {
        return 'The result is a    tie!';
      } else if (choice1 === "Rock") {
        return choice2 === "Scissors" ? 'Rock wins' : 'Paper wins';
      } else if (choice1 === 'Paper') {
        return choice2 === "Rock" ? 'Paper wins' : 'Scissors wins';
      } else {
        return choice2 === "Rock" ? 'Rock wins' : 'Scissors wins';


    const rps = {
      rock: {
        paper: 'Paper wins',
        scissors: 'Rock wins'
      paper: {
        rock: 'Paper wins',
        scissors: 'Scissors wins'
      scissors: {
        rock: 'Rock wins',
        paper: 'Scissors wins'
    let compare = function(choice1, choice2) {
      if (choice1 === choice2) {
        return 'The result is a tie!';
      return rps[choice1.toLowerCase()][choice2.toLowerCase()];

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