javascript - 检测触摸屏设备上虚拟键盘的打开或关闭

标签 javascript android ios keyboard event-handling





在我当前的项目中,我希望确保即使虚拟键盘打开时某些关键项目也可见,因此我需要检测何时发生此类更改。然后,我可以向 body 元素添加一个类,以更改布局以适应键盘的存在。


  1. 没有完美的方法可以知道您的代码是否在移动设备上运行
  2. 有些非移动设备配有触摸屏,也可能配有键盘
  3. 焦点元素可能不可编辑
  4. contentEditable 元素将打开屏幕键盘
  5. 地址栏可能会在虚拟键盘出现的同时决定重新出现并占用必要的屏幕空间,从而进一步挤压可用空间。



我创建了一个 repository on GitHub .
您可以测试我的解决方案here .


;(function (){

  class Keyboard {
    constructor () {
      this.screenWidth = screen.width        // detect orientation
      this.windowHeight = window.innerHeight // detect keyboard change
      this.listeners = {
        resize: []
      , keyboardchange: []
      , focuschange: []

      this.isTouchScreen = 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement

      this.focusElement = null
      this.changeFocusTime = new Date().getTime()
      this.focusDelay = 1000 // at least 600 ms is required

      let focuschange = this.focuschange.bind(this)
      document.addEventListener("focus", focuschange, true)
      document.addEventListener("blur", focuschange, true)

      window.onresize = this.resizeWindow.bind(this)

    focuschange(event) {
      let target =
      let elementType = null
      let checkType = false
      let checkEnabled = false
      let checkEditable = true

      if (event.type === "focus") {
        elementType = target.nodeName
        this.focusElement = target

        switch (elementType) {
          case "INPUT":
            checkType = true
          case "TEXTAREA":
            checkEditable = false
            checkEnabled = true

        if (checkType) {
          let type = target.type
          switch (type) {
            case "color":
            case "checkbox":
            case "radio":
            case "date":
            case "file":
            case "month":
            case "time":
              this.focusElement = null
              checkEnabled = false
              elementType += "[type=" + type +"]"

        if (checkEnabled) {
          if (target.disabled) {
            elementType += " (disabled)"
            this.focusElement = null

        if (checkEditable) {
          if (!target.contentEditable) {
            elementType = null
            this.focusElement = null
      } else {
        this.focusElement = null

      this.changeFocusTime = new Date().getTime()

      this.listeners.focuschange.forEach(listener => {
        listener(this.focusElement, elementType)

    resizeWindow() {
      let screenWidth = screen.width;
      let windowHeight = window.innerHeight
      let dimensions = {
        width: innerWidth
      , height: windowHeight
      let orientation = (screenWidth > screen.height)
                      ? "landscape"
                      : "portrait"

      let focusAge = new Date().getTime() - this.changeFocusTime
      let closed = !this.focusElement
                && (focusAge < this.focusDelay)            
                && (this.windowHeight < windowHeight)
      let opened = this.focusElement 
                && (focusAge < this.focusDelay)
                && (this.windowHeight > windowHeight)

      if ((this.screenWidth === screenWidth) && this.isTouchScreen) {
        // No change of orientation

        // opened or closed can only be true if height has changed.
        // Edge case
        // * Will give a false positive for keyboard change.
        // * The user has a tablet computer with both screen and
        //   keyboard, and has just clicked into or out of an
        //   editable area, and also changed the window height in
        //   the appropriate direction, all with the mouse.

        if (opened) {
          this.keyboardchange("shown", dimensions)
        } else if (closed) {
          this.keyboardchange("hidden", dimensions)
        } else {
          // Assume this is a desktop touchscreen computer with
          // resizable windows
          this.resize(dimensions, orientation)

      } else {
        // Orientation has changed
        this.resize(dimensions, orientation)

      this.windowHeight = windowHeight
      this.screenWidth = screenWidth

    keyboardchange(change, dimensions) {
      this.listeners.keyboardchange.forEach(listener => {
        listener(change, dimensions)

    resize(dimensions, orientation) {
      this.listeners.resize.forEach(listener => {
        listener(dimensions, orientation)

    addEventListener(eventName, listener) {
      // log("*addEventListener " + eventName)

      let listeners = this.listeners[eventName] || []
      if (listeners.indexOf(listener) < 0) {

    removeEventListener(eventName, listener) {
      let listeners = this.listeners[eventName] || []
      let index = listeners.indexOf(listener)

      if (index < 0) {
      } else {       
        listeners.slice(index, 1)

  window.keyboard = new Keyboard()



有一个新的实验性 API,旨在准确跟踪由于键盘出现和其他类似的移动怪异而导致的尺寸变化。


通过监听调整大小事件并将高度与所谓的“布局视口(viewport)”的高度进行比较。看到它发生了很大的变化,比如大约 30 像素。您可能会推断出类似“键盘正在显示”之类的信息。

if('visualViewport' in window) {
  window.visualViewport.addEventListener('resize', function(event) {
    if( + 30 < document.scrollElement.clientHeight) {
        console.log("keyboard up?");
    } else {
        console.log("keyboard down?");


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