javascript - 循环遍历对象数组并返回某些值的总和

标签 javascript arrays javascript-objects


    {title: 'cat', optionid: 7, points: 1 }, 
    {title: 'cat', optionid: 7, points: 3 }, 
    {title: 'cat', optionid: 7, points: 1 }, 
    {title: 'dog', optionid: 8, points: 3 }, 
    {title: 'dog', optionid: 8, points: 2 }, 
    {title: 'dog', optionid: 8, points: 3 }, 
    {title: 'pig', optionid: 9, points: 2 }, 
    {title: 'pig', optionid: 9, points: 1 }, 
    {title: 'pig', optionid: 9, points: 1 }

基本上,我想循环遍历并总结每个选项ID/标题的分数。所以 cat = 5,dog = 8,pig = 4。有没有办法在 JavaScript 中做到这一点?到目前为止我所有的尝试都失败了。我是自学成才的,只是一个初学者,所以解决方案越简单越好。



var animals = [{title: 'cat', optionid: 7, points: 1 },
{title: 'cat', optionid: 7, points: 3 },
{title: 'cat', optionid: 7, points: 1 },
{title: 'dog', optionid: 8, points: 3 },
{title: 'dog', optionid: 8, points: 2 },
{title: 'dog', optionid: 8, points: 3 },
{title: 'pig', optionid: 9, points: 2 },
{title: 'pig', optionid: 9, points: 1 },
{title: 'pig', optionid: 9, points: 1 }];

// create new object to store results in
newObj = {};

// loop through animal objects
 // check if animal type has already been added to newObj
  // If it is the first time seeing this animal type
  // we need to add title and points to prevent errors
  newObj[animal.title] = {};
  newObj[animal.title]['points'] = 0;
 // add animal points to newObj for that animal type.
 newObj[animal.title]['points'] += animal.points 

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