php - 拉维尔 5.4 : Cannot retrieve data from a relationship

标签 php mysql database laravel relationships

我试图通过将每个名称存储在两个 UNION 表(Accesses 和 Reports)的数组中来显示每张票证的受让人名称(来自 Users 表的外键),但它给了我这个错误。错误异常 未定义的属性:stdClass::$assignee。

    $accesses = DB::table('accesses')
                ->select(array('id', 'fullname','emp_id','shift','state','resolved_at', 'closed_at','assigned_to'))

    $all = DB::table('reports')
                ->select(array('id', 'fullname','emp_id','shift','state','resolved_at', 'closed_at','assigned_to'))
                ->where('state', '=', 'Assigned')

    $names[] = array();

    foreach ($all as $one)//store in array to display in a chart
      $names[] = $one->assignee->name; //error here

   //Report Model
   public function assignee()
      return $this->belongsTo(User::class, 'assigned_to');

   //Access Model
   public function assignee()
      return $this->belongsTo(User::class, 'assigned_to');

  //Report Migration
  public function up()
    Schema::create('reports', function (Blueprint $table) {
        $table->string('status')->default('Pending'); //Pending, Approved
        $table->string('state')->default('Open'); //Open, Assigned, Resolved, Closed

   //Access Migration
   public function up()
    Schema::create('accesses', function (Blueprint $table) {
        $table->string('status')->default('Pending'); //Pending, Approved
        $table->string('state')->default('Open'); //Open, Assigned, Resolved, Closed

It gives me this error

The results should be like this


您应该使用 merge 集合方法:

$accesses = Access::select(array('id', 'fullname','emp_id','shift','state','resolved_at', 'closed_at','assigned_to'))

$reports = Report::select(array('id', 'fullname','emp_id','shift','state','resolved_at', 'closed_at','assigned_to'))
            ->where('state', '=', 'Assigned')

$all = $accesses->merge($reports);

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