javascript - 如何在 JavaScript 中进行字母数字排序

标签 javascript

这是我的 JavaScript 代码,用于以字母数字方式对数据进行排序:

var reA = /[^a-zA-Z]/g;
var reN = /[^0-9]/g;
function sortAlphaNum(a,b) {
    var aA = a.replace(reA, "");
    var bA = b.replace(reA, "");
    if(aA === bA) {
        var aN = parseInt(a.replace(reN, ""), 10);
        var bN = parseInt(b.replace(reN, ""), 10);
        return aN === bN ? 0 : aN > bN ? 1 : -1;
    } else {
        return aA > bA ? 1 : -1;


["ap1", "ap4", "ap12","4ggh2","7ggh9","9tggfg2","4gghdd2","4gghfg2"]




function sortAlphaNum(a, b) { 
    var x = a.split("/"); 
    var y = b.split("/"); 
    x = x[x.length-1].replace(/\\\s/g," ").split(/(\d )/); 
    y = y[y.length-1].replace(/\\\s/g," ").split(/(\d )/);  
    for (var i in x) { 
        if (x[i] && !y[i] || isFinite(x[i]) && !isFinite(y[i])) { 
            return -1; 
        } else if (!x[i] && y[i] || !isFinite(y[i]) && isFinite(y[i])) { 
            return 1; 
        } else if (!isFinite(x[i]) && !isFinite(y[i])) { 
            x[i] = x[i].toLowerCase(); 
            y[i] = y[i].toLowerCase(); 
            if (x[i] < y[i]) return -1; 
            if (x[i] > y[i]) return 1; 
        } else { 
            x[i] = parseFloat(x[i]); 
            y[i] = parseFloat(y[i]); 
            if (x[i] < y[i]) return -1; 
            if (x[i] > y[i]) return 1; 
    return 0; 
alert(["ap1", "ap4", "ap12","4ggh2","7ggh9","9tggfg2","4hghdd2","4kghfg2"].sort(sortAlphaNum));




Array.prototype.naturalSort= function(index){
    var T= this, L= T.length, i, who, next, 
    isi= typeof index== 'number', 
    function nSort(aa, bb){
        var a= aa[0], b= bb[0], a1, b1, i= 0, n, L= a.length;
            if(!b[i]) return 1;
            a1= a[i];
            b1= b[i++];
            if(a1!== b1){
                n= a1-b1;
                if(!isNaN(n)) return n;
                return a1>b1? 1:-1;
        return b[i]? -1:0;
    for(i= 0; i<L; i++){
        who= T[i];
        next= isi? T[i][index] || '':who;
        T[i]= [String(next).toLowerCase().match(rx), who];
    for(i= 0; i<L; i++){
        T[i]= T[i][1];
    return this;
var A= ["ap1","ap4","ap12","4ggh2","7ggh9","9tggfg2","4gghdd2","4gghfg2"];


//返回值:(数组) //4ggh2,4gghdd2,4gghfg2,7ggh9,9tggfg2,ap1,ap4,ap12

  1. The example first goes through the entire array and sets each item to a new two-item array- the first item of the new array is a matched array of numbers and strings, the second is the original value.

In your example, array[5]= '9tggfg2', becomes array[5]= [['9', 'tggfg', '2'], '9tggfg2']]. That way the reg exp, match and and toLowerCase operations are only done once for each item, rather than every time the sort compares two items.

  1. After the array is prepped, the sort function is applied, which compares items alphabetically if they are both alpha-strings and numerically if they are both number-strings. Number-strings sort before(are less-than) alpha-strings.

  2. After the sort, the array is again processed, this time to reset each item to its original value.

您可以使用相同的逻辑,而无需预排序和后排序部分, 但如果您有超过三个项目,则需要更长的时间:

function natSort(as, bs){
    var a, b, a1, b1, i= 0, n, L, 
    a= String(as).toLowerCase().match(rx);
    b= String(bs).toLowerCase().match(rx);
    if(as=== bs) return 0;
    L= a.length;
        if(!b[i]) return 1;
        a1= a[i], 
        b1= b[i++];
        if(a1!== b1){
            n= a1-b1;
            if(!isNaN(n)) return n;
            return a1>b1? 1:-1;
    return b[i]? -1:0;
   ["ap1", "ap4", "ap12", "4ggh2", "7ggh9", 
"9tggfg2", "4gghdd2", "4gghfg2"].sort(natSort);

返回值:(数组) 4ggh2,4gghdd2,4gghfg2,7ggh9,9tggfg2,ap1,ap4,ap12

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