javascript - 用于 Javascript 的开放 XML SDK

标签 javascript html xml sdk ms-word

我正在使用 Open XML SDK for javascript...


我使用此 SDK 创建 Word 文档并将其保存在桌面上...



第二个我想要的是,在保存文档之前将其放入 .rar 或 .zip 文件中,然后像 .rar 一样保存在桌面上



if in the text is word "firstname", I want to change this word with "John" and so on...

second what I want is that before I save document put it in .rar or .zip file and then save it like .rar on desktop

every Open XML file is essentially a Zip archive containing many other files. Office-specific data is stored in multiple XML files inside that archive. This is in direct contrast with the old WordML and SpreadsheetML formats which were single, non-compressed XML files. Although more complex, the new approach offers a few benefits:


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