javascript - backone-使用嵌套 View 保存到数据库

标签 javascript php mongodb backbone.js view

所以本质上我在主干中创建了一个表。模型的行 View ,包含在表的 Collection View 和用户输入数据的表单中。每行有两个单元格#itemName 和#price。它们从#item 和#price 形式的文本字段接收数据。

我想将行列表保存到 Mongo 数据库中,以便当用户重新加载页面时,完整列表将保留在持久存储中。问题是我对应该在哪里以及如何编写保存语句感到困惑。我是告诉它执行 .save() 行 View 还是执行 .save() 完整 Collection View ?任何援助将不胜感激。我对此很陌生。

$(function() {
    var Item = Backbone.Model.extend({});

    var Items = Backbone.Collection.extend({
        model: Item

    // row view
    // the view of each item that will put on the collection view
    var ItemView = Backbone.View.extend({
        tagName: 'tr',
        initialize: function(){
         // this is the new item view within the row
            this.template = _.template('<td><%- itemName %></td>'
            +'<td><%- price %></td>'
            +'<td><button class="complete">Complete</button>'
            +'<button class="remove">Remove</button></td>');
        render: function(){
            return this;

    // collection views
    ItemsView = Backbone.View.extend({
        el: '.items', //table body
        initialize:function () {
        this.collection.on('add', this.addOne, this);       
        render:function () {
            return this;
        addOne: function(item){
                var itemView = new ItemView({model: item}); 
                // append all rendered item view to the collection view
        addAll: function(){
            this.collection.forEach(this.addOne, this);

    Form = Backbone.View.extend({ //form view
        el: '.item-form',
        initialize: function(){
        events: {
            'click .add': 'addModel'
        addModel: function(){
            var data = {
                name: this.$("#item").val(),
                price: this.$("#price").val()
        // simple validation before adding to collection
        if(!_.isEmpty( && !_.isEmpty(data.price)){ 
            this.$("#item").val('');// and empty these
        } else {
            alert('fill all fields'); 


一种解决方案是在 Backbone Collection 中指定 url:

var Items = Backbone.Collection.extend({
    url: '/items',
    model: Item

然后,当您创建新的“项目”时,您可以使用指定数据的 Backbone 模型来创建它:

var item = new Item({
   name: this.$("#item").val(),
   price: this.$("#price").val()


var items = new Items();

完成此操作后,主干模型将从父集合中获取其 URL,因此当您保存时,您将添加到现有项目:;  // this will send the data as a POST request to /items, creating a new item

然后,如果您更新该模型,Backbone 将知道它已经存在并发送 PUT 请求:

item.set("name", "a new value");;  /// this will send the data as a PUT request to /items/:id, updating the item

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