javascript - Polymer 通过 id 从影子根获取元素

标签 javascript getelementbyid polymer clojurescript

我无法通过 id 获取影子根中的元素。它将返回零。这是代码。它是用 clojurescript 编写的。

    (p/defpolymer :query-component {:imports  ["components/polymer/polymer.html"]
                            :style    ".query-container
                             {margin: 20px;
                             display: inline-block;}"
                            :template [[:div.query-container
                                         [:h4 {:style "display: inline-block;"} "Current Query"]
                                         [:button {:style    "float: right; margin-top: 10px;"
                                                   :on-click "{{runQuery}}"} "Run Query"]]
                                        [:span "{{}}"]
                                        ;(cljs.reader/read-string "[ {:type \"text\", :placeholder \"Country name\"}] ")
                            :spec     {:publish      {:query {:value ""}}
                                       :runQuery     (fn []
                                                         (this-as this
                                                                  (println (:query (js->clj (.-query this) :keywordize-keys true)))))
                                       :queryChanged (fn []
                                                         (this-as this
                                                                  (let [query (js->clj (.-query this) :keywordize-keys true)
                                                                        inputs (:inputs query)]
                                                                  (.log js/console (.getElementById js/document "#inputs"))

正如你所看到的,我试图通过 id“inputs”获取元素,但是它返回 null。 div 在那里,但我无法通过它的 id 获取它。这有什么原因吗?有没有办法通过它的 id 获取它?据我了解, get elementbyid 显然不会搜索影子根。

编辑: 我通过将影子根的名称作为元素的属性进行摆弄,找到了答案!

    (p/defpolymer :query-component {:imports  ["components/polymer/polymer.html"]
                            :style    ".query-container
                             {margin: 20px;
                             display: inline-block;}"
                            :template [[:div.query-container
                                         [:h4 {:style "display: inline-block;"} "Current Query"]
                                         [:button {:style    "float: right; margin-top: 10px;"
                                                   :on-click "{{runQuery}}"} "Run Query"]]
                                        [:span "{{}}"]
                                        ;(cljs.reader/read-string "[ {:type \"text\", :placeholder \"Country name\"}] ")
                            :spec     {:publish      {:query {:value ""}}
                                       :runQuery     (fn []
                                                         (this-as this
                                                                  (println (:query (js->clj (.-query this) :keywordize-keys true)))))
                                       :queryChanged (fn []
                                                         (this-as this
                                                                  (let [query (js->clj (.-query this) :keywordize-keys true)
                                                                        inputs (:inputs query)
                                                                        shadow-root (.-shadowRoot this)
                                                                        input-div (.getElementById shadow-root "inputs")]
                                                                       (set! (.-innerHTML input-div) "<span>Shadow DOM</span>"))))}})



It was my understanding that getElementById will search through the shadow roots but apparently not.


此规则的一个异常(exception)是如果您使用 querySelector[All]以及专门刺穿影子根的选择器,即使用 /deep/::shadow )。

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