javascript - 从类中设置的点击处理程序中使用 setTimeout 调用 javascript 类函数

标签 javascript jquery html class

我想定义一个 javascript 类,在我的 html 页面中实例化它的实例,并让该类设置一个点击处理程序,然后使用 setTimeout(...) 调用该类的成员函数。


下面的代码有一些对 $(...) 的引用,它是 jquery,只是为了向可能读到此代码但不认识它的人澄清。

我在我的 JavaScript 代码中使用以下内容作为类的基础:

// Taken from
// Base class from which we can derive our own classes with ease
var Class = function (methods) {
    var klass = function () {
        this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);

    for (var property in methods) {
        klass.prototype[property] = methods[property];

    if (!klass.prototype.initialize) klass.prototype.initialize = function () { };

    return klass;

然后我也在 JavaScript 中用我的类扩展了这一点:

var myNamespace = myNamespace || {};

myNamespace.myClass = Class({
    somevalue: 100,

    initialize: function(somevalue) {
        this.somevalue = somevalue;

        $("#searchclear").click(function () {
            setTimeout(myFunction,1000); // THIS DOES NOT WORK as the context is now the searchclear html element
            myFunction(); // For completeness, this would not work either for the same reason

    myFunction: function() {
        alert('we are ok');

我的 HTML 看起来像这样:

        $(document).ready(function () {
            var myInstance = new myNamespace.myClass(123);
    <span id='searchclear'>CLICK ME</span>

问题是,如何在单击“searchclear”HTML 对象时调用的单击处理程序中对 myFunction 进行两次调用?



myNamespace.myClass = Class({
    somevalue: 100,

    var self = this;

    initialize: function(somevalue) {
        this.somevalue = somevalue;

        $("#searchclear").click(function () {
            setTimeout(self.myFunction,1000); // THIS DOES NOT WORK as the context is now the searchclear html element
            self.myFunction(); // For completeness, this would not work either for the same reason

    self.myFunction: function() {
        alert('we are ok');

关于javascript - 从类中设置的点击处理程序中使用 setTimeout 调用 javascript 类函数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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