javascript - 如何将拆分的 Google 电子表格单元格值推送到相邻单元格

标签 javascript google-apps-script google-sheets

我正在使用 Martin Hawksey 的 Google Apps 脚本的修改版本,该脚本将 Google 电子表格中的一张工作表中的数据放入另一张工作表中,为我的事件描述列中的每个条目创建一个新行(用逗号分隔 - 即cell D2="描述 1、描述 2、描述 3 等)。虽然这非常有效,但我希望它再执行一项功能 - 我希望它获取事件描述中的最后一个条目(也许用分号而不是逗号将其与其他单元格分隔开),并为每个唯一事件将其插入相邻单元格一次且仅一次,同时删除分号或其他分隔符。我尝试了多种方法,但对于 Google Apps 来说还是个新手脚本,我没有成功。

function splitColumnAndRepeatRows(anArray, splitColumnIndex) {
  var output = [];
  for (i in anArray){ // for each row
    var splitArray = anArray[i][splitColumnIndex].toString().split(","); // split values in specified column
    for (j in splitArray){ // for each split cell value
      if(splitArray[j]=="" && j>=1)
      var row = anArray[i].slice(0); // take a copy of source row
      row[splitColumnIndex] = alltrim(splitArray[j]); // replace comma separated value with current split value
      output.push(row); // push new row to output
  return output;

function alltrim(str) {
  return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');

本质上,这就是我想要做的 - 转动它:

Date     Client     County     Description
9/21/14  12345      Greene     Location 1, Location 2, Location 3; Y
9/24/14  54321      Brown      Location 1, Location 2; X


Date     Client     County     Description     Time
9/21/14  12345      Greene     Location 1
9/21/14  12345      Greene     Location 2
9/21/14  12345      Greene     Location 3      Y
9/24/14  54321      Brown      Location 1
9/24/14  54321      Brown      Location 2      X




这个编辑后的 ​​splitColumnAndRepeatRows() 函数将执行您想要的操作,还有一个额外的好处,即列中任何(不仅仅是最后一个)逗号分隔的项目都可以是一个 ; 分隔的列表,并将被分成 2 个单元格.

function splitColumnAndRepeatRows(anArray, splitColumnIndex) {
  var output = [];
  for (var i in anArray){ // for each row
    var splitArray = anArray[i][splitColumnIndex].toString().split(","); // split values in specified column
    for (var j in splitArray){ // for each split cell value
      if(splitArray[j]=="" && j>=1)
      var row = anArray[i].slice(0); // take a copy of source row
      var trimmedString = alltrim(splitArray[j]);
      var subArray = trimmedString.split(";"); // split current item of specified column at ; 
      if ( subArray.length > 1 ) { // if current item is a ;-delimited list (now split into an array)
        row[splitColumnIndex] = alltrim(subArray[0]); // replace comma-separated value with first item of ;-delimited array
        row[splitColumnIndex+1] = alltrim(subArray[1]); // append second item of ;-delimited list as new cell to row
      else {
        row[splitColumnIndex] = trimmedString; // replace comma separated value with current split value
        row[splitColumnIndex+1] = ""; // append empty cell to row
      output.push(row); // push new row to output
  return output;


9/21/14  12345      Greene     Location 1; A, Location 2, Location 3; B
9/24/14  54321      Brown      Location 1, Location 2; C


9/21/14  12345      Greene     Location 1      A
9/21/14  12345      Greene     Location 2
9/21/14  12345      Greene     Location 3      B
9/24/14  54321      Brown      Location 1
9/24/14  54321      Brown      Location 2      C

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