javascript - 掌握预加载图像

标签 javascript jquery preloading

我在使用 JS 预加载图像时遇到一些问题。我有一个 fiddle ,我试图创建三个图像对象并一一加载它们,但是我只得到一张图像?任何帮助表示赞赏。

<script src="//"></script>

        var images = new Array();

    images[0] = '';
    images[1] = '';
    images[2] = '';
    var i = 0;      

    while(i < images.length){

    var image = new Image(50,50);
    image.src = images[i];
    image.onload = function(){







Fiddle Demo

imageLoader(0); //call the function with first image to load `0` as index starts from `0`
function imageLoader(i) { //function to load images one by one and pass the array index
    var image = new Image(50, 50); //create a new image
    image.src = images[i]; //set src of the image from images array
    image.onload = function () { //on image load 
        $('body').append(image); //append to the the body
        if (++i >= images.length) return; //increment i check the length of images is exceeded than return
        imageLoader(i); //more images are present in array then call the function again 

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