javascript - 当数据点太高时,如何在 Highcharts 工具提示中显示除 x 和 y 之外的值?

标签 javascript highcharts

我正在尝试使用 Highcharts 绘制折线图,​​但大量的点中没有某些字段,因此工具提示无法显示相关数据。我还设置了"turboThreshold": 1000000


    "name": "Tasks",
    "data": [{
        "title": "Jog Loaned",
        "start_time": "14 Dec 2014 7:51:31",
        "end_time": "14 Dec 2014 7:55:27",
        "x": 1418523927000,
        "y": 33.89,
        "start_time_epoch": 1418523691000
    }, {
        "title": "Prod - RepliINte SEMI Grace",
        "start_time": "14 Dec 2014 7:55:27",
        "end_time": "14 Dec 2014 8:0:44",
        "x": 1418524244000,
        "y": 31.39,
        "start_time_epoch": 1418523927000
    "turboThreshold": 1000000

Plunker link to the problem


这与您在 highstock 中启用了数据分组有关,因此对点进行分组并跳过额外的参数。

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