php - 图像文件成功上传到本地主机,但它不能在使用 CI 的服务器中

标签 php mysql codeigniter server

当我尝试在本地主机上上传图像文件时,它存储在数据库中,我可以读取上传的图像,但是当我通过 FTP 将代码上传到服务器时,它显示如下错误:

  • This page isn’t working
  • is currently unable to handle this request.
  • HTTP ERROR 500

那是因为我在 localhost 中的 php 版本与服务器上的 PHP 版本不同吗?


我的 Controller

defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');

class News extends CI_Controller {
function __construct() {
        $this->load->helper(array('form', 'url'));

    public function index()
$data['datax'] = $this->news_model->tampil_data()->result();

    function tambah(){
$data['title'] = "Tambah news";
$data['updateid'] = '';
$data['update'] = '';


    function tambah_aksi(){
          // $this->load->library('upload');
        $nmfile = "file_".time(); //nama file saya beri nama langsung dan diikuti fungsi time
        $config['upload_path'] = './../assets/'; //path folder
        $config['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg|png|jpeg|bmp'; //type yang dapat diakses bisa anda sesuaikan
        $config['max_size'] = '2048'; //maksimum besar file 2M
        $config['max_width']  = '1288'; //lebar maksimum 1288 px
        $config['max_height']  = '768'; //tinggi maksimu 768 px
        $config['file_name'] = $nmfile; //nama yang terupload nantinya

            if ($this->upload->do_upload('images'))
                $gbr = $this->upload->data();
               // $data = array(
               //   'nm_gbr' =>$gbr['file_name'],
               //   'tipe_gbr' =>$gbr['file_type'],
                //  'ket_gbr' =>$this->input->post('textket')

                 //akses model untuk menyimpan ke database
                        $data = array();
                        $judul = $this->input->post('judul');
                        $news = $this->input->post('news');
                        $imagess = $this->input->post('images');
                        $data = array(
                        'title' => $judul,
                            'detail' => $news,
                            'images' => $gbr['file_name']
                //pesan yang muncul jika berhasil diupload pada session flashdata
                $this->session->set_flashdata("pesan", "<div class=\"col-md-12\"><div class=\"alert alert-success\" id=\"alert\">Upload gambar berhasil !!</div></div>");
                redirect('news/'); //jika berhasil maka akan ditampilkan view vupload
                //pesan yang muncul jika terdapat error dimasukkan pada session flashdata
                $this->session->set_flashdata("pesan", "<div class=\"col-md-12\"><div class=\"alert alert-danger\" id=\"alert\">Gagal upload gambar !!</div></div>");
                redirect('news/tambah'); //jika gagal maka akan ditampilkan form upload

i try change my php version and this is what i got

An uncaught Exception was encountered

Type: Error

Message: Call to undefined function finfo_open()


我以前遇到过同样的问题,我已经找到了解决方案 我已经用我的旧 ci 版本 3.0.4 替换了我当前的 system/libraries/upload.php 文件

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