javascript - Uber API 深度链接 Android

标签 javascript html uber-api

嵌入上车和下车地点的深层链接在 iOS 上有效,但在 Android 上测试时却不起作用。在 Android 上,深层链接只是打开 Uber 应用程序,而不是嵌入上车和下车地点。我认为我的 Javascript 可能有问题,因为我认为逻辑和实际的深层链接工作正常。


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
      $(function() {

        // Parse the user agent to determine the device
        var isiPad = navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i) != null,
            isiPhone = !isiPad && ((navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) != null) || (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i) != null)),
            isiOS = isiPad || isiPhone,
            isAndroid = !isiOS && navigator.userAgent.match(/android/i) != null,
            isMobile = isiOS || isAndroid,
            isDesktop = !isMobile;

        // Define all the potential redirection Urls
        var deepLink = 'uber://?action=setPickup&pickup=my_location&dropoff%5Blatitude%5D=33.784685&dropoff%5Blongitude%5D=-84.4121&dropoff%5Bnickname%5D=Apartment%20of%20Paul%20Jump&dropoff%5Bformatted_address%5D=1100%20Howell%20Mill%20RD%2C%20Atlanta%2C%20GA%2030318',
            appStoreUrl = '',
            androidIntentUrl = 'intent://uber/#Intent;package=com.ubercab;scheme=uber;end',
            muberDotCom = '';

        // Handle each case with a seamless fallback to the application store on mobile devices
        if (isiOS) {
          window.location = deepLink;
          setTimeout(function() { window.location = appStoreUrl; }, 25);
        } else if (isAndroid) {
          window.location = androidIntentUrl;
        } else if (isDesktop) {
          window.location = muberDotCom;




androidIntentUrl = 'intent://uber/#Intent;package=com.ubercab;scheme=uber;end',

isAndroidtrue 时,只需使用 deepLink,例如:

if (isiOS) {
      window.location = deepLink;
      setTimeout(function() { window.location = appStoreUrl; }, 25);
} else if (isAndroid) {
      window.location = deepLink;
      setTimeout(function() { window.location = ''; }, 25);
} else if (isDesktop) {
      window.location = muberDotCom;

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