javascript - 如何显示选定的日志级别?

标签 javascript php jquery




日志消息来 self 的数据库,这些用于应用程序消息日志记录以供支持使用

  • “调试”,然后选择“调试、错误、消息、信息”
  • “错误”,然后让它选择“错误、消息、信息”
  • “消息”,然后选择“消息、信息”
  • “信息”,然后让它选择“信息”



function FilterLoggingTable()

    // Check the value from the select box and filter out table data based on value selected
    if ($("#loggingInputs").val() != null || $("#loggingDatePicker").val() != null)
        var searchLoggingText = document.getElementById("loggingInputs").value.trim();

        if (document.getElementById("loggingDatePicker") != null)
            var searchLoggingDate = document.getElementById("loggingDatePicker").value.trim();

    if (typeof GetServerLogging == 'function')
        GetServerLogging(searchLoggingText, searchLoggingDate);

    // Calls search logging function 2.5 seconds after page is ready
    setTimeout(function ()
        $("tr:not(:has(>th))").show().filter(function ()
            var tableRowElement = this;
            var tableRowTextFound, dateSelectedFound;

            tableRowTextFound = (tableRowElement.textContent || tableRowElement.innerText || '').indexOf((searchLoggingText || "")) == -1;
            dateSelectedFound = (tableRowElement.textContent || tableRowElement.innerText || '').indexOf((searchLoggingDate || "")) == -1;

            return (tableRowTextFound || dateSelectedFound);
    }, 1000);

// Get all server logging, and append to logging table (Logging page)
function GetServerLogging(loggingLevel, loggingDate) {

    $.post("php/getServerLogging.php", {
        command: "GetServerLogging",
        getServerLoggingLevel: loggingLevel,
        getServerLoggingDate: loggingDate

    .success(function(data) {

        var jsonMessage = JSON.parse(data);

        var dataTable = $('#dataTables-example').DataTable(); 

        // Check to see if response message returns back "OK"
        if (jsonMessage.RESPONSE == 'OK') {

            $('#dataTables-example td').remove();
            $("#dataTables-example tr:empty").remove();

            // Set time before records start to load on page
            setTimeout(function() {  
                // Loops through the returned records
                for (var i = 0; i < jsonMessage.RECORDS.length; i++) {

                    var currentRecord = jsonMessage.RECORDS[i];
                    var selectRecord = JSON.stringify(currentRecord);

                    var serverLoggingTableBody = $('#dataTables-example').children('tbody');
                    var serverLoggingTable = serverLoggingTableBody.length ? serverLoggingTableBody : $('#dataTables-example');

                    // Check to see if server log text doesn't equal to "Successfully synchronised" 
                    if (currentRecord['ServerLogText'] != "Successfully synchronised") {

                        dataTable.row.add( [
                        ] ).draw();

            }, 1000);

    .fail(function(error) {
        console.log("Unable to retrieve data from the server");

PHP 代码

if (isset($_POST['getServerLoggingLevel']) && isset($_POST['command']) && $_POST['command'] == "GetServerLogging") {

        // Set server logging level to a variable to be used in MSSQL query
        $getServerLog     = $_POST['getServerLoggingLevel'];

        // Set server logging data to a variable to be used in MSSQL query
        $getServerLogDate = $_POST['getServerLoggingDate'];

        // Create a string format for server logging date 
        $originalDate = $getServerLogDate;
        $newDate      = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($originalDate));

        // Use logging information to query to database to get the correct data back
        $SyncServerFunctionList->RespondWithUnencryptedJSONMessage("OK", $SyncServerFunctionList->MSSQLExecuteSelectAndReturnResultArray($connection, "SELECT Logs.Origin as ServerLogUser, Logs.Text as ServerLogText, 
                                                                                                                                                            Logs.Type as ServerLogLevel, Logs.Timestamp as ServerLogDateTime from Logs
                                                                                                                                                            where Logs.Type like '$getServerLog' and CONVERT(varchar(10), Logs.Timestamp, 120) like '$newDate'
                                                                                                                                                            ORDER BY Timestamp ASC", "", "failed to select registered midwives"));



您可能需要使用 SQL 来选择多个值,例如

SELECT *****
FROM recordtable
WHERE warninglevel IN("Error","warning" )

IN 运算符将让您选择一个匹配多个值的字段。该示例允许您选择“错误”和“警告”级别的日志。您可以像这样进行其他选择。

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