javascript - 当 JavaScript 函数作为变量关闭时会发生什么?

标签 javascript function closures

我读过很多关于 SO 上的闭包和 JavaScript 的问题,但是我找不到有关函数闭包时会发生什么的信息。通常示例是字符串文字或简单对象。请参阅下面的示例。当您在函数中关闭时,即使您稍后更改原始函数,也会保留原始函数。



var makeFunc = function () {
  var fn = document.getElementById;  //Preserving this, I will change it later

  function getOriginal() {
    return fn;  //Closure it in

  return getOriginal;

var myFunc = makeFunc();
var oldGetElementById = myFunc();  //Get my preserved function

document.getElementById = function () {  //Change the original function
  return "foo"

console.log(, "myDiv"));  //Calls the original!
console.log(document.getElementById("myDiv"));   //Returns "foo"



What technically happens to the function preserved in a closure?


How is it stored in memory? How is it preserved?

为了回答这个问题,我不得不深入研究一些有关编程语言的文本。 John C. Mitchell's Concepts in Programming Languages解释了闭包变量通常最终出现在程序堆中。

Therefore, the variables defined in nesting subprograms may need lifetimes that are of the entire program, rather than just the time during which the subprogram in which they were defined is active. A variable whose lifetime is that of the whole program is said to have unlimited extent. This usually means they must be heap-dynamic, rather than stack-dynamic.

更具体地针对 JavaScript 运行时,Dmitry Soshnikov describes

As to implementations, for storing local variables after the context is destroyed, the stack-based implementation is not fit any more (because it contradicts the definition of stack-based structure). Therefore in this case closured data of the parent context are saved in the dynamic memory allocation (in the “heap”, i.e. heap-based implementations), with using a garbage collector (GC) and references counting. Such systems are less effective by speed than stack-based systems. However, implementations may always optimize it: at parsing stage to find out, whether free variables are used in function, and depending on this decide — to place the data in the stack or in the “heap”.

此外,Dmitry 展示了函数闭包中父作用域的各种实现:

As we mentioned, for optimization purpose, when a function does not use free variables, implementations may not to save a parent scope chain. However, in ECMA-262-3 specification nothing is said about it; therefore, formally (and by the technical algorithm) — all functions save scope chain in the [[Scope]] property at creation moment.

Some implementations allow access to the closured scope directly. For example in Rhino, the [[Scope]] property of a function corresponds to a non-standard property __parent__.

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