javascript - OData V2 模型上的 Kapsel 离线应用程序的 SAPUI5 深度插入

标签 javascript odata sapui5


如何从 OData V2 模型上的 SAPUI5 客户端应用程序执行“深度插入”?


我想将“操作”与一些“组件”一起深度插入到我的 SAPUI5 客户端应用程序中的 OData V2 模型中。

 // the request data
 "OperationSet" : {         
          "Orderid" : "13700090",       
          "OperationComponentSet" : [
                "Orderid" : "13700090",
                "Activity" : "0010",
                "SubActivity" : "",
                "ComponentItem" : "000010"                 

this.getView().getModel().create("/OperationSet", requestData);

我无法在 OData V2 模型上使用函数 create(sPath, oData, mParameters?),文档显示:“请注意,不支持深度创建,并且可能无法工作。”参见

是否有其他可能性在 OData V2 模型上执行深度插入?



答案是,“深度插入”目前不支持与离线 Kapsel 插件的 0..n 关联。


Limitations of Deep Inserts A deep insert is an OData POST request to create an entity that also contains the inlined definitions of related entities.

When a deep insert is processed, the top-level entity and all of its related entities are created and linked together as a single operation. In SDK SP07, the Offline Store supports deep inserts through the OData API on Android, iOS and WinPhone 8 platforms with one important restriction:

  • The navigation property used for the deep insert must refer to at most one entity. Any inlined related entities must be added using a navigation property whose ToRole refers to an association end with cardinality 0..1 or 1. They cannot be added using a navigation property whose ToRole refers to an association end with cardinality *. Navigation properties that refer to a set of entities cannot be used for deep inserts.


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