javascript - 这个在JS中的用法?

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function Rectangle(height, width) {
  this.height = height;
  this.width = width;
  this.calcArea = function() {
      this.areaRec = this.height * this.width; //here "this" is used for the variable areaRec to calculate & be returned
      return this.areaRec;

  this.calcPerimeter = function() {
      perimeter = (2*(this.height + this.width)); //here without "this" the varible is caculated and returned; both returns correct result
      return perimeter;

var rex = new Rectangle(7,3);

var area = rex.calcArea();
var perimeter = rex.calcPerimeter();


在 calcArea 中,除了返回计算结果之外,您还可以在 Rectangle 对象的 areaRec 属性上设置计算结果(使其可以在 Rectangle.areaRec 上访问)。在 calcPerimeter 中,您只是返回计算结果(请注意,calcPerimeter 未在函数中定义,因此它将成为 window 对象上的全局属性)。

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