javascript - 使用 Highcharts 将条形图显示为箭头

标签 javascript charts highcharts visualization

是否可以使用 Highcharts.js 绘制柱形条形图,其中一个条形显示为箭头?


$(function () {

    chart: {
        type: 'column'
    title: {
        text: 'Title'
    xAxis: {
        categories: [
    yAxis: [{
        min: 0,
        title: {
            text: 'Header'
    }, {
        title: {
            text: ''
        opposite: true
    legend: {
        shadow: false
    tooltip: {
        shared: true
    plotOptions: {
        column: {
            grouping: false,
            shadow: false,
            borderWidth: 0,


    series: [{
        name: 'Bar1',
        color: 'rgba(165,170,217,1)',
        data: [150, 73, 20],
        pointPadding: 0.3,
        pointPlacement: -0.0
    }, {
        name: 'Bar2',
        color: 'rgba(126,86,134,.9)',
        data: [140, 90, 40],
        pointPadding: 0.4,
        pointPlacement: -0.0

        name: 'Bar3',
        color: 'rgba(100,86,100,.9)',
        data: [120, 70, 50],
        pointPadding: 0.43,
        pointPlacement: -0.0
        name: 'Bar4',
        color: 'rgba(126,86,100,.9)',
        data: [100, 70, 50],
        pointPadding: 0.43,
        pointPlacement: -0.2





我建议为箭头添加一个带有三 Angular 形标记的“虚拟”线系列。我从 Highcharts 论坛的一篇提出类似问题的帖子中得到了灵感(请参阅 )。


/* dummy series */
    name: 'marker series', 
    type: 'line', 
    lineColor: 'transparent', /* makes line invisible */
    data: [null,null,50], /* use nulls where you don't want arrowheads to appear */
    showInLegend: false, /* will not show in legend */
    enableMouseTracking: false, /* users can't interact with the series */
    marker: {
        symbol: 'triangle', 
        fillColor: 'rgba(126,86,100,.9)', /* match to the color of your column */

查看工作 fiddle :


enter image description here

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