javascript - 通过Javascript在另一个html页面中显示HTML表单

标签 javascript jquery html forms display

我有两个单独的 html 文件。第一个是主页。

Main Page

第二个是属性面板,每当将工具从左侧工具箱拖放到 Canvas 上时,该面板就需要出现在上一页 Canvas 的右侧。

enter image description here

我之前就这样做了,将属性面板表单作为邮件页面(第一张图片)所在的同一 html 页面的一部分。

但是由于还会有各种其他表单/属性面板,我想将其提取到不同的 html 表单并调用它们从我的 jsGold.js 文件中显示在这个位置(右侧)。


File structure

StreamProperty.html 以以下形式保存属性面板表单

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../CSS/style.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../CSS/propertybox.css">

<div style="float: left">
    <h1 class="toolbox-titlex" id="tth">Properties Panel</h1>
    <form class="panel"  id="lot">
        <label>Stream Type:</label>
        <div class="panel-switch">
            <input type="radio" name="TypeGen" value="G" id="type_g" class="panel-switch-input" checked>
            <label for="type_g" class="panel-switch-label">Import</label>
            <input type="radio" name="TypeGen" value="A" id="type_a" class="panel-switch-input">
            <label for="type_a" class="panel-switch-label">Export</label>
            <input type="radio" name="TypeGen" value="B" id="type_b" class="panel-switch-input">
            <label for="type_b" class="panel-switch-label">Temporary</label>
        <input type="text" class="panel-input-streamName" placeholder="Stream Name">
        <input type="text" class="panel-input-streamDef" placeholder="Stream Definition">
        <input type="button" value="Save" class="panel-button">
        <input type="reset" value="Reset" class="panel-button-reset">
        <input type="button" value="Cancel" class="panel-button-cancel">

我需要通过 JavaScript 在以下位置显示此表单。由于不涉及按钮单击,而只是 jsPlumb 下降,因此我不确定如何完成此操作。


      accept: '.project, .query',
      containment: 'container',
       * @param e --> original event object fired/ normalized by jQuery
       * @param ui --> object that contains additional info added by jQuery depending on which interaction was used
       * @helper clone
      drop: function(e, ui) {
          var dropElem = ui.draggable.attr('class');
          alert('drop element: ' + dropElem);
          droppedElement = ui.helper.clone();
          //jsPlumb doesn't support jQuery cloneUI method.
          //So once the icon is dragged and dropped on the canvas, the clone UI class will be removed
          // repaint --> Recompute and position all the connections
          //Add the 'pro' class which has the same styling as the 'project' class but differs in functionality
          //This avoids the duplication of another project class when one project class is being dragged and dropped
          if (dropElem == "project ui-draggable") {
            var newAgent = $('<div>').attr('id', i).addClass('pro');
            //Reset Property fields
            //Display the Properties panel when the element is Clicked
          } else {
            var newAgent = $('<div>').attr('id', i).addClass('que');
            alert("que added");

          //Reset Property fields


//Display the Properties panel when the element is Clicked



<!DOCTYPE html>

<frameset cols="100%">
  <frame src="form_a.htm">


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