javascript - 仅在首页加载时运行 Javascript

标签 javascript


有没有办法在 javascript 上不使用 IsPostBack

IsPostBack :获取一个值,该值指示页面是首次呈现还是正在加载以响应回发。 More here .


window.onload = function TimedCss()

    setTimeout(myTimeout1, 0500) 
    setTimeout(myTimeout2, 1000) 
    setTimeout(myTimeout3, 1500)
    setTimeout(myTimeout4, 2000) 
    setTimeout(myTimeout5, 2500)
    setTimeout(myTimeout6, 3000)

function myTimeout1() 
    document.getElementById("LBLName").className = " animated fadeInLeft";
    document.getElementById("LBLName").style.visibility = "visible";
function myTimeout2() 
    document.getElementById("LBLDescription").className = " animated rotateIn";
    document.getElementById("LBLDescription").style.visibility = "visible"; 
function myTimeout3() 
    document.getElementById("P1").className = " animated zoomIn";
    document.getElementById("P1").style.visibility = "visible";
function myTimeout4()
    document.getElementById("TXTQuantity").className = " animated flipInY";
    document.getElementById("TXTQuantity").style.visibility = "visible";
function myTimeout5()
    document.getElementById("LBLPrice").className = " animated slideInLeft";
    document.getElementById("LBLPrice").style.visibility = "visible";
function myTimeout6()
    document.getElementById("BTNAddToCart").className += " animated fadeInUp";
    document.getElementById("BTNAddToCart").style.visibility = "visible";


编辑 - 解决方案:

window.onload = function TimedCSS()
    var isPostBack=<%= IsPostBack ? "true" : "false" %>

    if (!isPostBack)
        setTimeout(myTimeout1, 0500) 
        setTimeout(myTimeout2, 1000) 
        setTimeout(myTimeout3, 1500)
        setTimeout(myTimeout4, 2000) 
        setTimeout(myTimeout5, 2500)
        setTimeout(myTimeout6, 3000)

function myTimeout1() 
    document.getElementById("LBLName").className = " animated fadeInLeft";
    document.getElementById("LBLName").style.visibility = "visible";
function myTimeout2() 
    document.getElementById("LBLDescription").className = " animated rotateIn";
    document.getElementById("LBLDescription").style.visibility = "visible"; 
function myTimeout3() 
    document.getElementById("P1").className = " animated zoomIn";
    document.getElementById("P1").style.visibility = "visible";
function myTimeout4()
    document.getElementById("TXTQuantity").className = " animated flipInY";
    document.getElementById("TXTQuantity").style.visibility = "visible";
function myTimeout5()
    document.getElementById("LBLPrice").className = " animated slideInLeft";
    document.getElementById("LBLPrice").style.visibility = "visible";
function myTimeout6()
    document.getElementById("BTNAddToCart").className += " animated fadeInUp";
    document.getElementById("BTNAddToCart").style.visibility = "visible";



在首次页面加载时将变量存储在 Cookie 中,并每次检查该变量的值。

引用this用于 Cookie 的使用。


我为 demo 创建了一个 html和 source为您服务 origin-same policy Cookie。


        <script src=""></script>
        <div id="pageLoadStatus"></div>
            var _ = {};
             * Gets or sets cookies
             * @param name
             * @param value (null to delete or undefined to get)
             * @param options (domain, expire (in days))
             * @return value or true
            _.cookie = function(name, value, options)
                if (typeof value === "undefined") {
                    var n, v,
                        cookies = document.cookie.split(";");
                    for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
                        n = $.trim(cookies[i].substr(0,cookies[i].indexOf("=")));
                        v = cookies[i].substr(cookies[i].indexOf("=")+1);
                        if (n === name){
                            return unescape(v);
                } else {
                    options = options || {};
                    if (!value) {
                        value = "";
                        options.expires = -365;
                    } else {
                        value = escape(value);
                    if (options.expires) {
                        var d = new Date();
                        d.setDate(d.getDate() + options.expires);
                        value += "; expires=" + d.toUTCString();
                    if (options.domain) {
                        value += "; domain=" + options.domain;
                    if (options.path) {
                        value += "; path=" + options.path;
                    document.cookie = name + "=" + value;

            var hasLoadedBefore = _.cookie('hasLoadedBefore');
            if(!!hasLoadedBefore) $('#pageLoadStatus').text('This page has been loaded before.');
            else $('#pageLoadStatus').text('This page loaded at first time.');
            _.cookie('hasLoadedBefore', true);

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