javascript - 搜索期间的动态结果计数器

标签 javascript angularjs

在此代码片段中,您可以看到一些概述,其中在多个表格页面上显示了一些示例数据。分页和其他一切都工作正常,但如果我在搜索中输入某些内容,结果的计数会发生变化,但顶部的计数器保持不变。如果我限制搜索结果,它也应该动态变化。例如,如果我输入“item_44”,它应该显示 1 - 1 of 1,因为只有 1 个条目。



var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);

myApp.filter('startFrom', function() {
  return function(input, start) {
    start = +start; //parse to int
    return input.slice(start);

//myApp.directive('myDirective', function() {});
//myApp.factory('myService', function() {});

function MyCtrl($scope) {
  var vm = this;
  //vm.currentActive = sessionService.getState();

  $scope.currentPage = 0;
  $scope.pageSize = 10;
  $ = [];
  $scope.firstItem = 0;
  $scope.lastItem = $scope.firstItem + $scope.pageSize;
  $scope.numberOfPages = function() {
    return Math.ceil($ / $scope.pageSize);
  for (var i = 0; i < 45; i++) {
    $"Item " + i);

  $scope.nextPage = function() {

    if ($scope.currentPage >= $ / $scope.pageSize - 1) {

    } else {
      $scope.currentPage = $scope.currentPage + 1;
      $scope.firstItem = $scope.firstItem + $scope.pageSize;

      if ($scope.firstItem + $scope.pageSize > $ {
        $scope.lastItem = $;
      } else {
        $scope.lastItem = $scope.firstItem + $scope.pageSize;



  $scope.prevPage = function() {

    if ($scope.currentPage === 0) {

    } else {
      $scope.currentPage = $scope.currentPage - 1;
      $scope.firstItem = $scope.firstItem - $scope.pageSize;
      $scope.lastItem = $scope.firstItem + $scope.pageSize;

.name-row {
  width: 100px;
<script src=""></script>

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<div ng-controller="MyCtrl" class="wrapper">

  <div class="view-navigation">
    <span ng-click="prevPage()" id="hoverfinger"><i class="material-icons">skip_previous</i></span> 
    <span class="counter">{{firstItem +1}} - {{lastItem}} of {{data.length}}</span>	
    <span ng-click="nextPage()" id="hoverfinger"><i class="material-icons" >skip_next</i></span>

  <span ng-click="nextPage()" id="hoverfinger"><i class="material-icons" >search</i></span>
  <input type="text" ng-model="search" placeholder="search..." />

  <table border="1">
      <th class="name-row">Name</th>
      <th class="info-row">Info</th>
    <tr ng-repeat="item in data | filter:search | startFrom:currentPage*pageSize | limitTo:pageSize">
      <td><a href="#">more info...</a>

不知何故,该代码段在 StackOverflow 网站中不起作用。




    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">

  <div class="view-navigation">
    <span ng-disabled="currentPage == 0" ng-click="back()" id="hoverfinger"><i class="material-icons">skip_previous</i></span>    
    <span class="counter">{{currentPage+1}} - {{numberOfPages()}} von {{getDataLength()}}</span>    
    <span ng-disabled="currentPage >= getData().length/pageSize - 1" ng-click="forward()" id="hoverfinger"><i class="material-icons" >skip_next</i></span>

   <span ng-click="nextPage()" id="hoverfinger"><i class="material-icons" >skip_next</i></span><input type="text" ng-model="q" placeholder="search..."/>

  <table border="1">
    <tr ng-repeat="item in s=( data | filter:q | startFrom:currentPage*pageSize | limitTo:pageSize)">
      <td><span><i class="material-icons" style="color: #8AC65B">check_circle</i></span></td>
      <td><a href="#">more info...</a></td>          


    var myApp = angular.module('myApp',[]);

myApp.controller('MyCtrl', ['$scope', '$filter', function ($scope, $filter) {
    $scope.currentPage = 0;
    $scope.pageSize = 10;
    $ = [];
    $scope.q = '';

    $scope.getData = function () {
      return $filter('filter')($, $scope.q)


        $scope.getDataLength = function () {
      var arr = [];
      arr = $filter('filter')($, $scope.q)
      return arr.length;

        return Math.ceil($scope.getData().length/$scope.pageSize);                

     $scope.back = function(){

     if($scope.currentPage == 0){return}else{
    $scope.forward = function(){
    var val = $scope.numberOfPages();
    if(val == ($scope.currentPage+1)){
    else {

    for (var i=0; i<45; i++) {
        $"Item "+i);

myApp.filter('startFrom', function() {
    return function(input, start) {
        start = +start; //parse to int
        return input.slice(start);

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